Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2190: Mu Yue's counterattack 1

Mu Yue chuckled and said helplessly, "I didn't expect that such a thing would happen. Well, she also told me not to meet and talk with you in the future, and that I am such a stubborn gangster, I am not qualified to talk to you. You stand together!"

Sheng Yingfan frowned deeper, and her heart became even more disgusted with the condensed foam.

Thinking about it now, the condensed foam used to often appear in front of him, but she didn't expect that she would do this kind of thing secretly.

"Don't worry, I won't meet her or talk to her in the future!" Sheng Yingfan's tone was very cold, but this was not for Mu Yue, but for Ningmo.

The students around were very curious about what happened, but when they heard this, everyone turned their heads and glanced at the first class.

Especially some girls who like Sheng Yingfan, they all know very well in their hearts that Yan Mo likes Sheng Yingfan. However, many of the girls here do not have any status, so they can only secretly suffer and dare not say anything. .

They didn't expect that this beautiful girl would be so arrogant, confronting Ning Mo.

Is she new to school? Don’t you know the identity of Ningmo? Are you afraid that you can't stay in school?

The condensed foam cast by countless sights suddenly stood up all over his body.

Condensing Mo couldn't bear it anymore, rushed out of the class, angrily yelled at Mu Yue, and argued for himself, "I just told you not to stay away from Sheng Yingfan. Don't miss Sheng Yingfan. It's not what you said. Those words!"

When these words were spoken, there was a "wow" from all around, staring at the condensation foam one by one.

"Wow, it turned out to be true!"

"Although the words are different, they mean the same thing!"

"I didn't expect that Yan Mo actually liked Sheng Yingfan!"

"This girl is so amazing, she dared to fight against Lingmo!"

The students who watched the theater were all talking to each other, with wonder and curiosity.

The corners of Mu Yue's lips rose slightly, looking at the frozen foam with her beautiful eyes.

The noisy voices around, Ling Mo recovered, and immediately covered his mouth, looking at Sheng Yingfan.

"Hehehe, it's coming out!" Mu Yue laughed and looked at Ning Mo, "Don't confess!"

How could Lingmo not know that he was calculated by Mu Yue, because who would have thought that after saying these things, Sheng Yingfan would be on her side, "You!"

Sheng Yingfan glanced at Mu Yue, with a deep smile in his eyes, not at all angry at the falsehood in what Mu Yue had just said, but rather appreciated it.

Then, Sheng Yingfan turned his eyes again and looked at Condensing Mo, but his eyes were cold, "Condensing Mo, I really didn't expect that, what kind of friends I make, I need your intervention!"

Lingmo suddenly panicked when she heard Sheng Yingfan's words, "I...I don't, I just...I just feel that she is not qualified to talk to you at all, I...I..."

"Enough!" Sheng Yingfan waved her hand and interrupted what she said because she was guilty and stuttered and didn't know how to explain her words. "I really didn't expect that you are such a girl. I used to think you were a good student and regarded you as a friend. I’m really blind! From today, don’t show up in front of me either. You and I are not friends either!"

In the past, I was concerned about the relationship between Ningmo's elders and her elders. Moreover, she used to be very well-behaved in front of her, so she was a friend.

But now, it's not anymore.

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