Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2193: Su Yunxi's Apology 1

Sheng Yingfan helped Mu Yue come to the classroom with a book. The students in the class looked at Mu Yue and Sheng Yingfan with eager eyes.

"Wow, Young Master Sheng actually helped with the book!"

"I really envy you!"

The students in the class were all extremely excited.

When the discussion in the class disappeared, it turned into amazement and excitement, and the condensed foam was subconsciously raising his head.

Because she heard the name "Sheng Yingfan".

However, when Ning Mo raised his head, he saw Sheng Yingfan actually helping Mu Yue move the book, and suddenly there was a fire in his eyes.

Ning Mo bit her lower lip tightly, his eyes flushed, and his face was full of grievance and sadness.

Sheng Yingfan has never done anything to her before, and he has rarely done anything for her before.

But today, she actually saw Sheng Yingfan doing this kind of thing for a girl she looked down on. Isn't this slap her in the face?

Sheng Yingfan smiled and said to Mu Yue, "I got the book for you. If you need my help in the future, you can find me! You just came to our school. If you don’t understand something, or you can’t follow the tutorial, you can find it. I help!"

Hearing these words, Ningmo would bite his own lips, and stared at Mu Yue with jealous eyes.

What did she hear just now? How could Sheng Yingfan treat Mu Yue so kindly and actively help her?

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

She could feel a strong resentment staring at her, and a sneer in her heart, she did not refuse Sheng Yingfan's favor, and deliberately showed off in front of Ningmo.

"Then I will go back to my classroom first!" Sheng Yingfan smiled and said goodbye to Mu Yue, then turned and left the classroom.

The students in the class looked at Mu Yue one by one, some even took a look and turned away quickly, not wanting Mu Yue to find that they were looking at her.

But Mu Yue didn't go to see them, bowed his head and sorted out the books and workbooks in front of him.

Before she processed a few books, a figure appeared in front of her.

Mu Yue's hand movement paused, and she looked up and saw Su Yunxi who was fighting with her just now.

Su Yunxi grabbed her clothes with both hands, and the corners of her clothes were all wrinkled by her.

"That... I'm sorry!" Su Yunxi hesitated for a moment, and said something he didn't want to say.

Su Yunxi's apology also surprised everyone in the class. She looked at her with straight eyes, but she did not expect that she would apologize to Mu Yue.

To be honest, before Mu Yue returned to class, she was entangled whether she should apologize to Mu Yue.

Although she was a bit careless, she was still willing to admit her mistakes.

After all, it was indeed Mu Yue who had misunderstood her, and the refusal to confess before Liming Mo explained her fault.

After returning to the class, she immediately asked about the cause and effect of the matter, and finally she understood.

It turned out that she was taken advantage of by two little bitches, Ning Mo and Yang Xue, and caused Mu Yue's trouble.

After knowing that he had misunderstood, he felt hatred for Ning Mo and Yang Xue, but he felt guilty and ashamed of Mu Yue.

She really didn't expect that her own righteous shot turned out to be a misunderstanding, and she hit the most innocent person.

As soon as she saw Mu Yue coming in, Su Yunxi was still hesitating and hesitating. Seeing Sheng Yingfan leaving, she tangled up to Mu Yue's seat.

Su Yunxi who said I'm sorry, his entire face was red, and his eyes were closed. It looked like a posture of risk.

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