In the study of a luxurious villa, a handsome young man in a suit sits on a luxurious leather chair behind his desk. In front of his desk, there are several sturdy young men standing respectfully and respectfully. .

The leather chair underneath the young man was turning, his expression was cold.

At this time, the phone on the desk rang, and looking down at the caller ID of the phone on the desk, the Leng Jun face became a little softer.

The man stretched out his slender hand, took the mobile phone, connected the phone, and put it in his ear, "Did you cause trouble?"

Su Yunxi on the other side of the phone heard this, her small face was a little uncontrollable, and she stomped her feet, "Brother, why do you say this every time, why do you say this every time you call!"

"Isn't it?" Su Yunxi's brother asked with a helpless and funny face on the face of the young man in a suit.

No wonder someone thinks so when they receive a call. It's really a certain girl who calls her brother every time he asks his brother to wipe her **** or take revenge.

So, over time, when Su Yunxi called, Su Moxuan felt that he was wiping his butt.

But, he can't help it, who makes her his baby sister!

Su Yunxi snorted, "Is it impossible for me to be a younger sister to call my brother?"

"Yes!" Su Moxuan nodded and said faintly, "Then, don't say anything else you want me to do for you after a while!"

Su Yunxi swallowed silently, and muttered, "Bad brother!"

"Huh?" Su Moxuan raised his eyebrows and stretched the tone.

"No!" Su Yunxi smiled awkwardly, "Brother, this time, I actually want you to avenge me. I was taken advantage of!"

As soon as Su Moxuan heard what his sister was saying, he straightened up and said coldly, "What? Dare to use my Su Moxuan's sister? I am impatient? Who used you, tell my brother!"

"Brother, that's it!" Su Yunxi told Su Moxuan what happened during the day.

Su Moxuan leaned back on the back of the chair, tapped his fingers on the armrests, and asked lazily, "You mean, because you were taken advantage of by those two bitches, you beat Mu Yue. frame?"

"Yes!" Su Yunxi nodded and said, "However, fortunately, Mu Yue didn't hate me because of this incident! She also reminded me not to do such impulsive things casually in the future. This time I met her. If I know my mistake, she can forgive me!"

"Hmph, for your luck, I warned you a long time ago, don't be impulsive in case of trouble, use your brain more, now it's alright!" Su Moxuan snorted coldly, "You didn't meet an opponent before, but you met today. Count your luck!"

Su Yunxi shrank her neck and said, "Well, so, I want you to avenge me, let Ning Mo and Yang Xue know that the consequences of using me are very serious!"

"Well, I know about this!" Su Moxuan nodded, thought about it, and then asked, "Then what do you think of Mu Yue?"

Hearing her brother asking Mu Yue, Su Yunxi tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "I think the feeling Mu Yue gives me is a bit cold outside and hot inside. It looks cold when she talks to me, but she I feel pretty good about what you said, and it's almost the same as what you said!"

"Yeah!" Su Moxuan nodded, "Unexpectedly, your evaluation of her is quite high!"

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