Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2206: First Seeing Yuyun Xuan 1

Mu Yue took a rest in the space for one night. Although it was much faster than recuperating outside, her face was still slightly pale, but her spirit was better than yesterday.

Early the next morning, Mu Yue arrived at the school in a car driven by a guard.

When he came to the school, Su Yunxi rolled her eyes and ran to the empty seat beside Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue turned his head, looked at Su Yunxi who was sitting next to him, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Su Yunxi leaned against the table with her chin in her hands, looked at Mu Yue curiously, and asked, "Mu Yue, I was defeated by you yesterday. I have never met a girl better than me. It's good, and it seems that my brother can't defeat me with ease like you! Then it proves that you must be better than my brother. How about I worship you as a teacher?"

When Mu Yue heard Su Yunxi's words, she raised her eyebrows, and looked a little bit in her eyes, "Ask me as a teacher?"

"Yes, yes!" Su Yunxi nodded quickly, looking at Mu Yue with beaming eyes, "How about, I will be your apprentice, I will never let you down!"

Mu Yue shook his head and refused, "Sorry, our teacher, without the master's order, we can't accept disciples casually, and you are not suitable for our teacher!"

"It's still so troublesome. Why is it not suitable? How do you know that I am not suitable?" Su Yunxi pointed to herself, "Is my talent for martial arts not enough?"

"No!" Mu Yue shook his head.

"What's that?" Su Yunxi looked at Mu Yue suspiciously.

Mu Yue turned to look at Su Yunxi, and smiled, "You can memorize ancient medical books like Shennong's Materia Medica, Huangdi Neijing, and Compendium of Materia Medica, and they will be suitable for our teacher!"

"Traditional Chinese medicine? What does my martial arts study have to do with these?" Su Yunxi looked at Mu Yue in confusion.

Mu Yue sorted out the homework in front of him, and said, "I studied Chinese medicine, and my martial arts is also the health training of doctors. It is not your skill at fighting and killing. What's more, I think, From your family background, there should be many masters in your family who can teach you, you can learn from me if you don't need it!"

Su Yunxi opened her mouth and looked at Mu Yue, seemingly startled.

"If you learn from them usefully, I won't be defeated by you!" Su Yunxi countered with a little imposing manner.

Mu Yue glanced at Su Yunxi, "That's because you study mastery, it will be difficult to improve, and you are a woman, you should learn light kung fu, so that you can give full play to your advantages, and you can improve your cultivation!"

Su Yunxi blinked, as if listening to Mu Yue's words with endurance, "Is that right?"

"You can go back and ask the masters who taught you, I think they should give you good advice!" Mu Yue said lightly, "The time is almost too, let's go back to your seat. The morning class will be soon. !"

It was almost no early self-study in the third year of high school, and it was directly replaced by a class.

Su Yunxi returned to her seat in a rather maddening manner. After a while, a pale, handsome teenager walked in from outside, carrying a schoolbag in his hand, and walking towards Mu Yue's seat.

However, when he walked to Mu Yue's seat, he paused, looked around suspiciously, and then looked at Mu Yue who was sitting in his seat.

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