Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2210: School Flower Guluuo 2

The six Mu Yue made some vegetables and put them on the table, and they ate them happily.

"Come on, sister Yue, you haven't tasted the food in this one yet, try it, it should not be much worse than Linshi No. 1 Middle School!" Mu Yifeng smiled and said to Mu Yue with a petting smile.

Mu Yue nodded, "I'll try it!"

"However, I don't think the food at school is very delicious!" Su Yunxi said with a grin, biting his chopsticks, "However, it is just right, it can make me lose weight!"

Mu Yue smiled, but said in disapproval, "I think it's okay!"

In her previous life, she had eaten something more unpalatable than these meals, as long as she was able to eat a full stomach.

"Well, it's true, it's not as delicious as you did, I feel that my mouth has faded out recently!" Mu Yifeng sighed helplessly.

Mu Yue couldn't help but laugh, "I didn't see you getting thinner either!"

"That's me because I have always treated these meals as if you made them, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to eat them!" Mu Yifeng said confidently.

"Puff!" Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard it.


"Huh? What are you talking about, so funny?"

At this time, a female voice came over curiously.

Mu Yue and others heard the sound and curiously looked up at a beautiful girl standing by the dining table.

"Guluo Nuo, why are you here?" Su Yunxi asked dissatisfiedly when he saw the person coming, her expression a little ugly.

Hearing Su Yunxi's words, Gu Luonuo smiled and said, "Why? Why can't I come? This is the cafeteria, I came here to eat, but seeing you are so happy, I just come and have a look!"

"Then you can go after reading it!" Su Yunxi said disgustedly.

Gu Luo Nui looked at Su Yunxi helplessly, "Su Yunxi, I have no grudges with you? Do you have to drive me away like this?"

"I'm going to drive you away, can't it? Because you stay here, I can't eat!" Su Yunxi said mockingly.

"Su Yunxi, how do you talk!" A young girl who was next to Gu Luo Nuo immediately unwillingly refuted this.

Su Yunxi rolled her eyes angrily, "The mouth is on my body. I can say whatever I like. Can you control it? I just can't eat, what's wrong?"

Gu Luonuo said to Su Yunxi with some grievances, "Su Yunxi, we are also classmates anyway, why on earth did I make you hate me so much and drove me away like this?"

Su Yunxi rolled her eyes, "You know it in your heart!"

However, Mu Yue was a little puzzled, what kind of "deep hatred" these two people had, and they were so repulsive.

Although she is the progenitor of the mysterious doctor, and it is still the true one, but under this circumstance, she still doesn't know what happened to the two of them. It can only be that Monk Zhang Er is confused.

Mu Yue looked at everyone suspiciously, Sheng Yingfan smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, don't mind, this Gu Luo Nuo and Ning Mo are both school flowers, and I and Yi Feng are in the same class. Before, they two Don’t mind if something unpleasant happens!"

"Oh!" Mu Yue nodded lightly, and subconsciously glanced at Gu Luo Nuo.

This Gu Luo Nuo is indeed a bit purple, very beautiful, and it is not unreasonable that it can be called the school flower of No. 1 Middle School with Ning Mo.

However, she still couldn't help but glanced at the face of this Gu Luo Nuo, this woman looked more contemplative and deep in comparison with Ning Mo, but Mu Yue lowered her eyes in her heart and didn't speak.

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