Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2234: Sitting in the same car 4

When Yu Yunxuan came to Mu's house, he asked Mu Yue to give himself acupuncture.

After giving Yu Yunxuan acupuncture and moxibustion, Mu Yue went to the kitchen and made a bowl of soup for Yu Yunxuan to condition his body.

At this moment, Mu Haixuan also went home and glanced at Yu Yunxuan in the acupuncture room, "How do you feel?"

He also heard about Yu Yunxuan's visit to his home for treatment today, but he was on a business trip yesterday and was not at home, but he also knew.

Yu Yunxuan saw that it was Mu Haixuan, and said quickly, "Uncle Mu is good, very good, Mu Yue's medical skills are very good!"

Mu Haixuan nodded, tilted his head slightly, and looked outside. He didn't seem to see Mu Yue. He walked to the bed and gave Yu Yunxuan warningly, "You have to remember that you came to see the doctor. , Mu Yue is just your attending doctor, don't think about other things!"

Yu Yunxuan was startled subconsciously when he heard the words. Before he said anything, he was warned by Mu Haixuan.

Is this Mu Haixuan warning him that he shouldn't be distracted by Mu Yue? Can't be emotional?

Thinking of Mu Yue, Yu Yunxuan's quiet heart couldn't help but move. In fact, Mu Yue had changed his life too much.

If it weren't for Mu Yue, he still doesn't know if he can live.

Mu Haixuan didn't say, maybe he wouldn't think so much yet, but with that said, he couldn't help but have such a little thought.

"Uncle Mu, Mu Yue is such an excellent princess that all men dream of!" Yu Yunxuan said with a smile.

Mu Haixuan listened and snorted, "Little kid knows what emotions..."

Before this was finished, Mu Yue's voice came, "Dad, are you back?"

"Eh, Xiao Yueer!" Mu Haixuan heard the cry of his precious daughter, with a bright smile on his face, and ran out of the room.

Yu Yunxuan looked at Mu Haixuan's instant change of expression, dumbfounded, how could this change so fast?

"Xiao Yue'er, what are you doing?" Mu Haixuan walked to Mu Yue's side, with a curious look on his face, "Did you make it for Dad?"

Mu Yue said in a dumbfounded manner, "No, this is a medicated diet for Yu Yunxuan to help him regulate his body!"

When I heard that my baby girl didn't do it for herself, but only for Yu Yunxuan to do it, she felt depressed in her heart. It was just like Xiao Junyan who came here and received less care.

"What can that brat do!" Mu Haixuan said with a bit of taste.

Mu Yue touched his nose, feeling helpless, shook his head and said, "Although this is made for Yu Yunxuan, it is mainly for his body, but this dad can also be eaten!"

"Hmph!" Mu Haixuan was still a little sour, "If I tell Xiao Junyan these things, I don't know how he reacted!"

When Mu Yue heard the words, her eyelids suddenly twitched. How could she not know Xiao Junyan's jealousy, she quickly grabbed Mu Haixuan's arm and cried out coquettishly, "Dad!"

So this thing must not be let Xiao Junyan know, otherwise, I don't know what that guy will do!

Mu Haixuan touched Mu Yue's head helplessly, "Silly girl! Don't be too tired, your body hasn't recovered yet!"

"Well, I see, Dad, you go sit down first, I'll be fine soon!" Mu Yue nodded, smiled, and hugged Mu Haixuan.

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