The He's consortium, just like how Xiuzhen's guess, was soon unable to sustain it. Within a few days of work, it really couldn't stand the pressure and could only declare bankruptcy.

The major newspapers in South Korea published the big news about the bankruptcy of the Ho consortium, which made people sigh, how quickly the Ho consortium collapsed!

However, what they don't know is that, thanks to Xiao Junyan's start, the shares of the He consortium fell first, which led to the bankruptcy of the He consortium.

The first news of the collapse of the He Financial Group also reached Ye Tianming's ears.

When Ye Tianming heard the news, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. If he dared to fight the little junior sister, then there would only be destruction.

"Boy, what are you doing? Come and help!" A middle-aged woman who was somewhat similar to Ye Tianming came over and grabbed Ye Tianming's ear directly.

The evil smile on Ye Tianming's face suddenly disappeared, and a howling in his mouth, "Oh, mom, what are you doing, my ears will be cut off by you!"

Ye Mu curled her mouth. The behavior was almost exactly the same as Ye Tianming's mouth curled. "Come on! If you can pull your ears off, I'll go fry it!"

Ye Tianming dexterously freed his ears, and touched his ears, "I really don't know if I was yours, or if I was a gift!"

"It's given away by charging money!" Ye Mu also counterattacked without showing weakness.

Ye Tianming rolled his eyes, curled his lips and said, "Stop talking, I'm going out!"

"Smelly boy, where are you going!" Ye Mu cried out as soon as she heard Ye Tianming was going to leave, and wanted to chase him, but Ye Tianming had already escaped quickly.

Ye Tianming ignored Ye Mu's yelling behind, but drove the car and came to the prison in the capital.

He came here today because of the He's consortium, just to let He Li see with his own eyes, the He consortium he relied on will no longer exist.

Ye Tianming was sitting in the office, leaning back on his chair lazily, watching the news content on the TV in front of him playfully, without noticing that the prison guard brought He Li over.

He Li didn't want to come, but the prison guard forced him to come over, even if he didn't want to come, he couldn't do it.

He Li, who walked in, glanced at the only person sitting in this office, Ye Tianming.

However, there is only Ye Tianming in this office, and no one speaks. The sound on the TV is particularly loud, and I don’t know if Ye Tianming did it on purpose. The TV’s voice is also adjusted higher.

He Li's attention was quickly attracted by the content broadcast on the TV.

News was being broadcast on the TV. It was the news that the Korean Ho consortium declared bankruptcy. It was also broadcast that He Xiuzhen, who represented the bankruptcy of the Ho consortium, attended the press conference and confirmed that the Ho consortium declared bankruptcy today.

He Li heard the content on the TV, and only felt that the world in front of him was a flower, and his body swayed quickly towards the TV.

On the TV, He Xiuzhen's picture and news content were also broadcast, making him only feel that the world before him was dark.

"This... how is this possible? This is not true, it must not be true!" He Li stared in disbelief, muttering this sentence in his mouth.

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