Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2245: Little Junior Sister is Angry 3

Ye Tianming looked at Mu Yue's desperate appearance, regretting and depressed in his heart.

"Little Junior Sister, don't worry, it's okay!" Ye Tianming hurriedly comforted Mu Yue, "How give the boss another fortune?"

When Mu Yue heard Ye Tianming's suggestion, his eyes lit up, "Why did I forget it, it's really worry and chaos, I will now fortune the good or bad of Brother Xiao!"

A word to awaken the dreamer, Ye Tianming's words were like a divine enlightenment. She was so worried that she forgot that she was still able to foretell the situation of this mission for Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan's mission this time has nothing to do with her, she should be able to foretell good or bad.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ye Tianming listened, and he was a little relieved, but the stone in his heart hadn't fallen.

He was still very worried about Xiao Junyan. After all, he knew best about who Mu Yue was and what school he inherited.

Mu Yue's divination accuracy rate is absolutely 100%. She said that Xiao Junyan had a big catastrophe, then there would definitely be a big catastrophe.

Now, he regrets it very much, why didn't he go with the boss? If we go together, will the boss no longer be in danger?

Mu Yue hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground, took out his copper coins, and began to divination Xiao Junyan's situation.

Ye Tianming left and sat on the ground, but also looked at Mu Yue worriedly, also worried about Xiao Junyan in his heart.

"Wow!" Mu Yue dropped the copper coin in his hand on the ground, looked at the hexagram on it, frowned slightly, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Little Junior Sister? How is it?" Ye Tianming looked at Mu Yue with a worried look.

Mu Yue glanced at Ye Tianming and said with a smile, "Although Senior Brother Xiao's mission this time is a bit troublesome, there are surprises and no dangers, great gains, and nothing to do!"

"Oh, it's okay, that's okay, it scared me to death!" Ye Tianming listened, he was slightly relieved, and patted his chest, "Little Junior Sister, the old man, you said, I was scared to death!"

Mu Yue frowned and said, "Brother Xiao has a big catastrophe, but next year, Brother Xiao's mission should be over this year, so it will be fine!"

Ye Tianming listened, was stunned, and suddenly realized, "It turns out that the big catastrophe of the boss is next year, not this year, so it's all right!"

"Since Senior Brother Xiao is okay, that's fine!" Mu Yue collected the copper coins on the ground, with a relaxed smile on his face, as long as Xiao Junyan was okay.

Ye Tianming laughed twice, calming down and comforting Mu Yue, "Little Junior Sister, don't worry, the boss's fate is hard, don't worry!"

Mu Yue nodded lightly, "Well, I know, you try to contact Senior Brother Xiao and say, I'm very angry about this time!"

"Angry?" Ye Tianming was surprised and puzzled when he heard Mu Yue's words.

Mu Yue stood up and said coldly, "I was hiding from me when I did the task, and it made me so worried. Tell him, after returning, I will punish him well!"

When Ye Tianming heard Mu Yue's words, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and muttered in his heart. The younger sister was angry, and the boss must be unlucky.

So Ye Tianming placed another row of wax for Xiao Junyan in his heart and prayed for him, hoping that the "death" would not be too miserable!

"Okay, I know, I will pass your words to him as they are!" Ye Tianming also showed an expectant smile on his face.

He also looked forward to Xiao Junyan's collapse in front of Mu Yue!

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