Yu Yunxuan turned his head and looked at Mu Yue with a gloomy expression, "Mu Yue, I'm sorry, this matter is my fault, and I am causing you!"

Mu Yue raised his hand to stop Yu Yunxuan from speaking, and turned to look at him, just asking, "What are you going to do with Xiao Xueqing's affairs?"

"I will break the marriage contract with her, and we will not have any contact with the Xiao family again!" Yu Yunxuan said decisively.

Although Yu Yunxuan didn't know Mu Yue's personality, but looking at her ugly face at this time, she also knew that she would definitely not let Xiao Xueqing and the Xiao family go.

He knew that if Xiao Xueqing didn't tell Mu Yue's mother, maybe it was just as simple as breaking the marriage contract.

However, what Xiao Xueqing shouldn't do the most is to tell Mu Yue's mother to tell her something, and that Mu Yue's mother is a vixen.

This is not only offending Mu Yue, but also offending Mu Haixuan, or offending the entire Mu family. He knows very well that the entire Xiao family will have to pay a painful price for what Xiao Xueqing said, and they will be forever.

This is not only about the reputation of Mu's family, but also about the reputation of Mu Yue's mother. It must not be profaned.

Mu Yue nodded lightly, her clear and dark eyes gleamed with a cold light, "Okay!"

As Yu Yunxuan guessed, it is true that when Xiao Xueqing scolded her mother, she had already murdered Xiao Xueqing and the Xiao family behind her.

Su Yunxi asked Mu Yue worriedly, "Mu Yue, are you okay? Do you need my help?"

"I'm fine, no, I will take care of my own affairs!" Hearing Su Yunxi's concern, Mu Yue's icy breath disappeared a little, and said lightly.

Su Yunxi nodded somewhat relaxedly, "It's okay!" Turning her eyes, she asked Mu Yue, "Should I teach you something first?"

"No need!" Mu Yue shook his head, "I will handle it!"

She wanted not only Xiao Xueqing to pay the price, but the entire Xiao family.

If the son does not teach the father's fault, neither of their parents can escape.

As Yang Xue watched all this happen, she quickly lowered her head, tightly grasping the book in front of her with her hands, her eyes were full of horror.

She never expected that Yu Yunxuan would actually act on Xiao Xueqing for Mu Yue.

Could it be that Mu Yue's fox is really so important in Yu Shao's heart?

At this moment, Yang Xue was full of emotions, she didn't know what to do, she could only think about it.

Yu Yunxuan sighed deeply, "I didn't like her in the first place, now I have to go back and talk to my grandfather, this marriage contract must be retired!"

Su Yunxi also agreed very much and said, "That is, you must retire, and marry such a person home. I don't know how many people will be offended! She dares to be arrogant, and she loses more face!

Mu Yue stood up and said, "I'll go out first!"

She had to call Qin Shaoyang and ask him to send someone to investigate whether the situation of Xiao Xueqing and the Xiao family was the Xiao family.

I really can't blame Mu Yue, there are too many families in the capital, and she is not interested in paying attention to the marriage contracts of those families.

And she and Yu Yunxuan were only a doctor-patient relationship, and she never thought about investigating him.

Unexpectedly, because of the girl's jealousy, it got to the point where it is now.

Now that it has become like this, she doesn't need to give Xiao Xueqing any face and dare to insult her mother, she must be psychologically prepared for the family's destruction.

Mother, it's her inverse scale!

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