Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2274: Better Brother Xiao 3

Xiao Xueqing heard what Yu Yunxuan said, her head seemed to explode suddenly, and her eyes were a bit hollow.

Father Xiao's lips trembled and looked at Yu Yunxuan. He was not his stupid daughter. He heard that Yu Yunxuan wanted to separate himself from their Xiao family.

"Yu Yunxuan, are you sure you want to clear up the relationship with our Xiao family?" Xiao's father gritted his teeth and questioned Yu Yunxuan.

Yu Yunxuan glanced at Father Xiao coldly, "Dismiss the relationship? Hahaha, what qualifications do you think you should let us disassociate from you? Oh, yes, you father is not good to discipline yourself. Daughter, let her speak ill of my roommates, and even her mother scolded her. Our Yujia is not that stupid yet. Want such a brainless woman to sit on our Yujia's daughter-in-law! Blame it, blame you. Your own daughter!"

Then he glanced at Mu Yue, "Also, you and your daughter must apologize to Mu Yue, otherwise, I will ask our Yujia lawyer to sue Xiao Xueqing for attempted injury and reputation damage!"

When Father Xiao heard this, his body was shaking.

Subconsciously looked at Mu Yue who was sitting next to Yu Yunxuan, only feeling a bit dry in her throat, "Mu...Miss Mu!"

Mu Yue glanced at Father Xiao faintly, "I won't accept your apology. The last thing your daughter should insult is my mother. Wash your neck! Well, blame it, you blame you My daughter, her mouth is open, she can say anything!"

Father Xiao only felt that what Mu Yue said was like a cold wind, which made him feel cold all over his body.

"Mu...Miss Mu, I know it was my daughter's fault, but, can you give me a chance, I will let Xueqing kneel down and kowtow to you to apologize, I hope you have a lot of them, after all, she is still young, no Only those who are sensible will speak those words!" Although Father Xiao was very flustered and anxious, he still begged Mu Yue.

But Mu Yue didn't even want to pay attention to Father Xiao, and stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom!"

Seeing Mu Yue's behavior, Su Yunxi laughed and whistled, "If an apology is useful, what do you want the police to do? What do you want the judge to do? What do you want the law to do? I think you should leave with Xiao Xueqing quickly School, lest you be embarrassed in school again!"

Father Xiao and Xiao Xueqing heard Su Yunxi's words and turned to look at her. Their eyes were full of anger, but Father Xiao did not dare to refute.

And Xiao's father didn't dare, it doesn't mean Xiao Xueqing didn't. Hearing Su Yunxi's words, he immediately got up from the ground angrily, "What are you talking about, Su Yunxi, don't think your brother is Su Jinxuan, I'm afraid of you!" "

When Father Xiao heard Xiao Xueqing's words and the name "Su Jinxuan", he shuddered subconsciously, and cursed secretly in his heart.

He didn't expect this girl to be Su Jinxuan's sister. He turned his head and stared at his daughter even more angrily. He really wanted to kill her. Knowing that the other party's identity was still here and choking with others, did he not want to live anymore?

Before Su Yunxi's anger, Xiao's father, who knew his bad heart, slapped Xiao Xueqing fainted with a slap. Now he just wants to escape from this dangerous place. There are really too many people to offend here. Shen will offend other big people because of this stupid daughter.

It is not enough to offend Mu Yue, and to offend Su Jinxuan's sister is simply too long.

It's better to offend Mu Yue, to offend Su Jinxuan's sister, ha ha, his life is not enough.

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