Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2283: Coveted company formula 3

Yang Shiying showed all the information in front of her once, then closed her eyes and muttered.

"It seems that Mu Yue, the chairman of Longteng Group, has a skin care formula that is better than ours. The price is about the same as ours, but the effect is better than us. Only when the buyers of Huaxia are recognized by us will we let us The performance dropped!" Yang Shiying squinted her eyes and murmured.

Hearing Yang Shiying’s words, the middle-aged man nodded and said, “Yes, I heard that this Mu Yue is a Chinese medicine doctor, and he has a lot of formulas on hand, and this dream skin care series is the best among them. This formula is effective. It’s better than us, and the price of our company’s products is about the same. No matter how hard we try, they won’t buy our products! If we want to improve our performance, we must improve the formula, or get the dream cosmetics company’s product ingredients!"

Mu Yue has never changed the product formula of the Dream Skincare series, nor has it increased.

Reminiscing about the products sold in the Tianzi drugstore opened by Mu Yue, the middle-aged man thought that the product Mu Yue had on hand was the best formula in Mu Yue's hand, so the price would be sold at such a high price. .

However, how did he know that this formula was only the simplest and easiest skin care series that Mu Yue could make before.

The production of other products is complicated, and some of them are not brought out because of medicinal materials that cannot be mass-produced.

But now, Mu Yue's dream cosmetics company's factory has not been fully built, until the factories in all parts of the country are built, she will really add better products, and this dream skin care series will be relegated to the second line.

Moreover, the people's living standards will rise in the future, and the prices of the dream skin care series will remain. At that time, more and more people will be able to buy this product, which is specially supplied to middle-class people and has good sales.

The middle-aged man didn't know, and Yang Shiying didn't know. Therefore, after listening to this proposal, the calculation light flashed through the aisles with bewitching beautiful eyes.

"It's difficult to get the formula in Mu Yue's hands!" Yang Shiying frowned.

If it's just an ordinary company, she can still get it through some purchase methods, but no matter how, Mu Yue's identity is not something she can provoke casually.

You know, Mu Yue is no longer an orphan without a father and no mother, but a little princess, the jewel in the hands of the Mu family, the political family of China.

If she does something bad for the other party, it is estimated that their company's development in China will be severely hit.

Thinking of this, Yang Shiying pressed her temple.

She is very optimistic about the future development of Huaxia Country and the huge benefits that their company will bring to Huaxia Country.

Therefore, she could not give up the market in China.

If it’s just a small fight, you can continue like this. However, if you want to have greater benefits, there are Mu Yue’s Longteng Group, Dream Cosmetics, and Tianzi Drugstores. If she wants to develop the Huaxia Country’s market, it is really true. very difficult.

Thinking of this, Yang Shiying just frowned tightly together unconsciously, this is indeed a troublesome thing.

"You can investigate more about Mu Yue and Longteng Group's information. The more the better, the more detailed the better! Fast!" Yang Shiying felt that it was necessary to learn more about Mu Yue before he could target her.


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