Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2308: Bai Yan's Jealousy 1

In the afternoon, Mu Yue took everyone to her medicated diet restaurant, not only to get business for her own medicated diet restaurant, but also to let everyone discuss how to do medicated diet.

"They are all medicated diets made of Chinese medicine. Well, I want to try it too!"

Everyone is a master of Chinese medicine, and they are very familiar with Chinese medicine. They have cooked some medicated meals at home, but have never eaten medicated meals outside.

Because, they all feel that the medicated diet outside is not as good as the medicinal diet made by themselves, and it is more effective.

Even if they opened a medicinal meal by themselves, they couldn't make the taste they wanted.

Therefore, now Mu Yue said that she opened a medicinal restaurant is very curious, I don't know what exactly the medicinal restaurant she opened.

Everyone drove to the medicinal restaurant opened by Mu Yue.

Of course, Yu Xiaolan and Master Baiyan were also followed by Yu Xiaolan.

When Yu Xiaolan heard that Mu Yue had also opened a medicinal food restaurant, she only sneered at it. It is estimated that she was selling dog meat.

However, she was more scheming, so she didn't say it, but she showed it on her face.

A group of people hurriedly came to the medicated restaurant.

Looking at the huge medicinal restaurant, it seems that there are not so many cars outside.

Yu Xiaolan glanced around, she couldn't help but curled her lips, and said in a very kind manner, "This is so big, and it's still in the suburbs. No wonder there is no business! Such a big hotel has been built for nothing. ! Only at a loss! Does this company really make money?"

Although Yu Xiaolan's words sounded like a kind reminder to Mu Yue that this medicinal restaurant cannot be opened here, she is also mocking, what company does Mu Yue open? It is estimated that they are all at a loss, and there is no money at all!

Although she knew what Mu Yue said that he started a company and what group company he had set up, she only felt that Mu Yue must be pretending to be the case of the medicinal restaurant. This company is just a leather bag company, not at all. Make money.

Bai Yan also snorted and said mockingly, "Really, there are only a few cars, I really don't know if these cars are just pretending!"

Mu Yue naturally heard the taunting words of Yu Xiaolan and Bai Yan singing each other, and she didn't bother to care about them.

At this time Ling Hong also ran out from inside, "Mu Dong! Here you are, the room is ready!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, and said to Chen Yukun and the others, "Old Chen, please, seniors, I have arranged a private room!"

Although these masters of Chinese medicine think that the place where the medicated food restaurant is opened is not only a little remote, but also so large and a bit wasteful, but they did not say much, after all, it was opened by Mu Yue, and they are not qualified to judge, so they should try medicated food The medicinal food in the restaurant is good.

Shen Jiangyu walked to Mu Yue's side and asked curiously, "Why did you build such a large? And also built in such a remote place?"

Mu Yue smiled lightly at Shen Jiangyu. She could hear that Shen Jiang's language was caring rather than mocking, and explained, "The land here is cheap, and the surrounding land has also been sold recently. , Ready to build a new district, there will be shopping malls and houses around!"

Hearing Mu Yue’s explanation, Shen Jiangyu was stunned, smiled and nodded, and gave a thumbs up to Mu Yue, “It’s cheap now, but when it develops in the future, the price is indeed very expensive, and the current house price is constantly increasing. Rise!"

Mu Yue also smiled, very fond of Shen Jiangyu.

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