Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2312: Oriental Medicine Support 2

Mu Yue handled the Chinese medicine affairs and returned to her home. Of course, she agreed to Shen Jiangyu's suggestions without even thinking about it.

Now I don’t know when to fight, she still needs to be busy with the company's affairs. If they are in the medicinal restaurant, she can handle the medicinal restaurant at any time, she is still eager!

Of course, Shen Jiangyu's meals and boxes are free of charge.

Mu Yue led her usual life again.

And Chinese medicine and Korean medicine have also contacted, ready to discuss their two sides' competition method and situation.

Yang Shiying didn't know where to find out that Mu Yue was also going to participate in the Korean Medicine Competition and went to the Korean Medicine Association in South Korea.

When Yang Shiying came to the Korean Medical Association, Lu Wenli, the president of the Korean Medical Association, heard Yang Shiying's arrival and asked her to come to her office.

Yang Shiying walked into Lu Wenli's office and saw that there were two old men with long hair inside. If He Xiuzhen was here, he would recognize one of them, Tian Feng, who was treating her father.

It was precisely because Tian Feng remembered what he heard from He Xiuzhen, and after returning to the Korean Medical Association to discuss with Lu Wenli and the others, there was this medical battle between Korea and China.

This time we arranged to take the young children of Korean medicine to Huaxia, and arranged for Tian Feng to go to Huaxia with another master of Korean medicine, Wu Jiangsong.

Tian Feng and Wu Jiangsong are here to discuss this matter with Lu Wenli.

Yang Shiying walked in and greeted Lu Wenli with a smile.

"Shiying, why are you here?" Lu Wenli asked Yang Shiying curiously.

Yang Shiying's grandfather is also a master of Korean medicine, but he has passed away. His son took the business path and opened this cosmetics company based on their ancestral formulas, which were developed after improvements.

In the past, Yang Shiying also followed his grandfather often to come here, so the masters of Chinese medicine here have a good relationship with her.

Yang Shiying smiled and said to Lu Wenli, "Grandpa Lu, it's like this. I heard that you plan to go to Huaxia and find a young Chinese medicine doctor from Huaxia to challenge?"

"Yes!" Lu Wenli nodded, looking at Yang Shiying puzzledly, "What are you asking about?"

Yang Shiying said with a smile, "My grandfather is also a member of the Korean Medical Association. Although my grandfather has passed away, I still care about the reputation of our Korean Medical Association. I hope that our Minxuan Cosmetics Company can join the Korean Medical Association. Let’s go to China together. All the consumption of the Korean Medical Association at this event will be borne by our Minxuan Cosmetics Company!"

Upon hearing Yang Shiying's words, the expressions of Tian Feng and Wu Jiangsong were shocked.

They didn't expect that Yang Shiying came over for this matter. It seemed that this was a loss, right?

Lu Wenli and the others lived much longer than Yang Shiying, naturally knowing that she would definitely not do this kind of loss.

"Shiying, why are you doing this?" Lu Wenli frowned and looked at Yang Shiying.

Yang Shiying knew that her purpose was definitely not hidden from them, and they all had to know when this matter went to China, so there was no concealment.

"That's it, Grandpa Lu, you also know that the cosmetics in our family are modified from an ancestral prescription left by my grandpa at the time. We have now sold the cosmetics abroad!"

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