Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2343: Bored Korean doctors 3

Although we are discussing how to play with people in South Korea, what everyone discusses is still how to make the game fair, and let the news media publicize and find more patients who can let them play.

But it is also because the National Day is approaching, no matter what the big or small news broadcast, or the media, they are rushing to report the arrangements and activities of the National Day.

Therefore, after discussion, Mu Yue approached Mu Haihua and asked him to arrange news and recruit some patients in Beijing.

Although it was a bit late, this was also something that the upper party attached great importance to. The news media immediately began to report, but Mu Yue didn't know the specific effect.

So, and because of this, the time for the Chinese medicine game between China Traditional Chinese Medicine and South Korea was postponed to the fourth. The first three days are definitely the big news of China National Day. They all report major events in the country, and the rest is not so important.

Since it is intended to use this two-party competition to promote Chinese medicine and let the people understand the magic and power of Chinese medicine, then it must be broadcast live during the game.

The night before the National Day, the news reported that Mu Haihua led the team to receive international experts and doctors arranged from the World Health Organization to be the referees of the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine and Korean Korean Medicine Competition.

After all this was agreed, Mu Yue accompanied the international experts and doctors and Korean Korean doctors to lunch together.

Taking into account that the Korean doctors did not want to eat the medicated food in the medicinal restaurant, so they went to other places in the capital for dinner.

At dinner, Hu Jing, who represents the Minxian Cosmetics Company, saw Mu Yue with a smile on his face.

"Hello, you are Miss Mu, the chairman of Longteng Group, right?" Hu Jing smiled and stretched out his hand, and said to Mu Yue, "I am Hu Jing, general manager of China Minxian Cosmetics Co., Ltd. of Korea!"

Mu Yue glanced at Hu Jing. For the personnel who came to China this time, she had information and knew who the person in front of her was. It was Hu, the general manager of China Minxian Cosmetics Company who wanted her own dream cosmetics formula. Beijing.

However, even if he knew who he was, Mu Yue still pretended that he didn't know who he was, but he didn't stretch out his hand, which didn't give him face at all.

Who made this guy obviously belong to the Chinese nation, and he also became a Korean citizen.

Now she is bringing Koreans to find trouble with their own Chinese people, so she doesn't give him any face.

"I am, what's the matter?" Mu Yue nodded coldly and asked.

Hu Jing looked at his hand stretched out in the air, did not shake hands with Mu Yue, a little embarrassed, and cursed secretly in his heart, so that he did not give him face.

But, no matter what, now he has to discuss the dream cosmetics company with Mu Yue, so he really has to accompany the smiling face now.

"That's it. I have a business here. I want to talk to Miss Mu. I don't know, can Miss Mu take a step to talk?" Hu Jing smiled and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue really didn't give Hu Jing any face, and said coldly, "Manager Hu, today I came to participate in the exchange of Chinese medicine and Korean medicine, not to do business, business matters, it is not suitable to talk about it now!"

Everyone in this box could hear what Mu Yue said, and everyone's eyes were cast towards them, making Hu Jing's face hot and angry.

He did not expect that Mu Yue would not give him face in front of so many people.

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