Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2348: Brother Xiao returns 1

Yang Shiying was very angry, but there was a bit of ridicule and disdain in her eyes when she looked at Mu Yue, "It seems that you are very confident in your medical skills? Very good. Why not, let's make a bet!"

"What bet?" Mu Yue's eyes flashed a little, and asked.

She wanted to see what tricks this woman would play.

Yang Shiying lifted her chin slightly, originally taller than Mu Yue, looking down at her with a downward eye, "Let's bet, this time you Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine and Korean Traditional Chinese Medicine competition, who wins and who loses!"

Mu Yue said confidently, "Hehehe, is this still a bet? Of course, it is our Huaxia Country who wins!"

"Who said that our Korean medicine is the real medicine, and your Chinese medicine in China is just a branch of our Korean medicine!" Yang Shiying was also confident and said mockingly.

Mu Yue sneered and told the truthful truth, "Aren't you also here for my company's formula? Doesn't it prove that our Chinese medicine is better than South Korea!"

Sure enough, Yang Shiying's face became darker again, and she didn't want to be entangled with these, "Then you, would you like to bet with me? As long as our Korean medicine wins your Chinese medicine doctor, you will give me the product formula of Dream Cosmetics. !"

"Of course you bet! But what are you betting with me?" Mu Yue laughed and asked Yang Shiying.

Yang Shiying said straightforwardly and confidently, "I will give you the product formula of our Minxian Cosmetics Company!"

"Do you think that even you don't think so, just rely on the **** of your company to match the formulas of my company?" Mu Yue said mockingly.

Although this is the truth, it also makes Yang Shiying feel heartbroken again.

Up to now, Yang Shiying really regrets that she shouldn't have come, just let people throw out a bet.

She felt that if she continued to do this, she would be driven crazy by Mu Yue's words.

"Then what do you want!" Yang Shiying asked Mu Yue angrily.

Mu Yue shrugged and said, "You really have nothing on hand to compare with my formula, um, I don't know, how many shares do you have in your Minxian cosmetics company, and how much is it worth?"

"What do you mean?" Yang Shiying squinted her eyes, feeling a chuckle in her heart, with an ominous premonition.

"Using your shares in Minxian Cosmetics Company to bet against me, how about? Do you want to make a bet?" Mu Yue raised an eyebrow and said provocatively to Yang Shiying.

Yang Shiying's hands hanging beside her legs clenched tightly into fists, "Okay!"

If it were not for her trust in Korean medicine in her country and confident that their Korean medicine could beat Chinese medicine, she would really not want to do this, nor would she first come up with a way to bet.

"Well, our gambling appointment. On the day of the game, we will also find those international experts and doctors as referees, so that all Chinese people will also know our gambling appointment!" Mu Yue said provocatively.

Yang Shiying snorted coldly, and confidently dropped the last ruthless sentence, turned and left the office, "Hmph, just wait for your company's formula to be handed over!"

Ling Hong looked at the back of Yang Shiying leaving, then turned to look at Mu Yue again, "Mu Dong, why did you bet with her?"

"No way, I'm short of money!" Mu Yue spread out his hands innocently and explained.

When Ling Hong heard this, he almost fell to the ground without staggering under his feet, "Lack of money? Then why do you want shares?"

"Selling money? Selling to other shareholders of her company, or her rival company, but there is a lot of money!"

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