Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2357: Troublesome Korean Medicine 3

Looking at the actions of Wu Jiangsong and Tian Feng, Chen Yukun was filled with anger and dissatisfaction. He walked to Dr. Anne's side, smiled and said to Dr. Anne, "Dr. Anne, thank you so much!"

"This is what I should. Since I am allowed to sit on the referee, I can't favor everyone!" Dr. Annie said with a smile.

Chen Yukun nodded gratefully, then looked at Tian Feng and Wu Jiangsong, and snorted softly, "Then I will stand here with Dr. Annie!"

Wu Jiangsong and Tian Feng were immediately dissatisfied, "Chairman Chen, what do you mean, you can't stand here, we should supervise here!"

"I didn't say to supervise? I'm here to accompany Dr. Anne to talk about medical issues, why? Can't it?" Chen Yukun raised his eyebrows and asked Wu Jiangsong and Tian Feng in return.

Wu Jiangsong wanted to curse and say, no!

However, he found that he was unable to refute, so he could only hold his breath and stared at Chen Yukun angrily, and then at Mu Yue angrily.

The people in front of the TV also saw the cameraman gave them a close-up, recording the anger and unwillingness on their faces.

"Madan, these Koreans are really shameless!"

"It's really damnable and damnable to even dare to disturb people in our Huaxia Kingdom seeing a doctor!"

"I will never watch Korean TV dramas or buy Korean things anymore. These people are so disgusting, and their stuff is also very disgusting!"

Regarding the actions of Wu Jiangsong and Tian Feng, they both felt ashamed and angry, and they continued to curse them.

Looking at the actions of Wu Jiangsong and Tian Feng, Chen Yukun frowned slightly. He was curious and puzzled. Why would these two people look like this?

After thinking about it, it seemed that this happened after seeing Mu Yue's case just now?

Therefore, Chen Yukun also looked at the cases written by Mu Yue, which was not good, but he was shocked when he saw it.

In addition to the condition of the case, there are also prescriptions and some treatment options.

Subconsciously, like Tian Feng and Wu Jiangsong, Chen Yukun also selected a few patients, judged the patient's condition, and compared it with the condition written by Mu Yue.

In contrast, even Chen Yukun, who had lived a lifetime, had to admire in his heart.

He didn't expect that Mu Yue's diagnosis accuracy rate was so high, it was 100%!

And this speed is too fast, right?

He saw that Mu Yue only looked at the patient for a few seconds, and would not stay for five seconds at most, and then began to struggle with writing.

"This..." At this moment, Chen Yukun no longer knew what words to use to describe Mu Yue.

But what is more, Chen Yukun's expectation and hope for Mu Yue is the hope of Chinese medicine.

Mu Yue's medical skills are so superb, he believes that with her ability, he will definitely be able to carry forward Chinese medicine.

Thinking of this, Chen Yukun was extremely excited and happy, watching Mu Yue write down the condition and treatment plan one by one.

Time just passed by Wu Jiangsong and Tian Feng under the unwilling and anxious situation, and also passed by Chen Yukun's shocked and anticipated gaze. Both sides gave their own 100 patients to the end of the diagnosis.

The audience in front of the TV almost left nothing behind and watched some diagnostic performances from time to time.

Shen Jiangyu's inquiry and diagnosis shocked and surprised the patients, and the audience was delighted.

In the heart of the patient, since he can check his condition, there should be a way to treat it.

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