What Tan Shuai said, the students of Beijing University who were present screamed.

"Damn, you guys have to be shameless!"

"A stick is a stick, and you won't admit defeat if you lose!"

"To lose is to lose. Don't afford to lose. Can't afford to lose. What are you doing in the competition?"

"Ma Dan, don't want to compare, you can get out!"

The shouts around did not affect the cheeky Koreans at all.

People who have the same ideas as Tan Shuai, as well as Pang Dong, An Yihuan and others, all feel that this is only because it is the venue of the Huaxia Kingdom, and they don't know the language very well, so they will diagnose the error.

"Tan Shuai is right, Dr. Howard, we do not accept this result. We are only one less than the people of Huaxia, but because we don’t understand the language of Huaxia, we will get the wrong case and cause us to lose. The game!" Liang Qianqiao nodded in agreement, and said to Dr. Howard and them triumphantly.

An Yihuan nodded and said confidently, "Dr. Howard, we still hope you can think about it. We lost a place because of language barriers!"

In their minds, there is a single thought, and it must be that their translation is wrong, or their own understanding is wrong, that will cause them to diagnose their patients in the wrong way.


Dr. Howard hasn't answered yet, Shen Jiangyu and the others just laughed loudly.

Tan Shuai turned his head and stared at them very dissatisfied, "What are you laughing at?"

"What are we laughing at? Of course I am laughing at you idiots, too self-righteous!" Shen Jiangyu said mockingly to Tan Shuai.

Pang Dong stared at Shen Jiangyu angrily, "What did you say!"

Shen Jiangyu curled his lips, "I said you are too self-righteous!"

"That's it, you don't seem to know our case or whose diagnosis is it!" Gu Han proudly put his hands on his hips, raised his chin to Pang Dong and the others, and said braggingly.

Situ Zhao also said with a smile, "That's right, don't look at it, Doctor Howard checked the case, who wrote it down!"

"What do you mean by this?" Liang Qianqiao narrowed his eyes and looked at Situ Zhao and others.

Pang Dong snorted and said, "These cases are not yours. Could it be that your masters failed? No wonder they have such good results!"

"NO! NO! NO!" Gu Han shook his index finger and said, "This is not the case examined by the four of us. The case examined by the four of us is still here!"

With that, Gu Han walked to a table and patted the pile of case papers on it.

Following Gu Han's actions, a videographer walked to the front of these case sheets and took some shots.

"What?!" Tan Shuai, Pang Dong and others stared their eyes wide.

Pang Dong questioned Gu Han and the others angrily, "You didn't hand it in for your inspection. Whose is that?"

Shen Jiangyu pointed to Mu Yue, and said proudly, "She is alone. You didn’t see it just now. Mu Yue was behind us alone. She checked all the patients, and she didn’t ask the patients at all. The two people didn’t talk at all, and they directly diagnosed each other’s condition!"

"Yes, just a few glances can tell the other party's condition! And, under the condition, I wrote out the prescription and plan of treatment!" Liu Xinning explained proudly.


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