Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2366: Singles out five people 3

At this moment, they are truly regretting and should not find such a reason. Otherwise, four people will lose more than five people, and the language in their hearts will be blocked. There is a little psychological comfort for the result.

But as a result, they really couldn't comfort themselves.

Slowly, Pang Dong, Tan Shuai and others lowered their heads one by one, not daring to see Mu Yue and the others.

Chen Yukun and the others were masters of traditional Chinese medicine in China, all of them showed brilliant and proud smiles, and the smiles on the corners of their mouths became bigger when they looked at each other.

Today is really showing up, ha ha ha, you still don’t think it’s enough to slap your face well, so let’s give you a few more slaps! See if you dare to be arrogant and proud again!

Really think that they are afraid of them because they are convinced by reason and by virtue?

They are polite, modest, understand? What a noble character!

But don't take their courtesy as cowardice. After you offend the scales, it is your unlucky beginning.

After understanding all this, everyone laughed and mocked.

"Hahaha, isn't it now that Mu Yue singles out the five Koreans?"

"Who said no! Just now they said that because of the language difference, they caused their misdiagnosis of the game, and there is no way to speed up their own speed!"

"Hehe, I feel it, their faces must be very painful, very hot, this face is so slapped!"

"Can it hurt? The language is different? Mu Yue didn't say a word at all, okay! There is no language difference at all!"

Everyone watching the live broadcast in front of the TV laughed scornfully and despised the Koreans, the self-righteous Korean doctors.

Similarly, there were bursts of laughter in the entire auditorium, all mocking Korean medicine.

I really want to die by myself!

Just accept the result just now, why is it so "stubborn"?

Now it's alright, the shame is even bigger!

And this big laughter also made the Koreans who also watched the live broadcast cursed, and they sneered and mocked Pang Dong.

"Madan, shameful!"

"Don't look at it! What kind of **** Korean medicine, let's see Chinese medicine or Western medicine in the future!"

Some people just turn off the TV and don't bother to watch it again, lest they will be embarrassed by watching it again.

But there are some people who have not turned off the TV. These people are employees of Minxian Cosmetics Company.

I don't know if Yang Shiying wants to show off on purpose, or vaccinate her company's employees, there may be new products, so let her company's employees watch today's live broadcast.

However, under this circumstance, these employees were angry and confused.

Since South Korea’s Korean medicine loses, doesn’t it mean that their shareholders have to be replaced? The boss has changed?

The entire Minxian cosmetics company was confused, which caused them to forget that they were angry and wanted to turn off the TV.

But at this moment, when everyone's attention fell on the Korean side, Mu Yue chuckled lightly.

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yue's mouth and said in the shocked eyes of everyone, "If you say, this score is fake, it is indeed fake! My score shouldn't be 92 points!"

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