Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2375: Yang Shiying, a debtor 1

Among the crowd in the audience, Xiao Junyan's eyes flashed with strange gleaming eyes, staring at Mu Yue who was full of brilliance on the stage.

His thin **** lips rose up, showing a proud smile.

This is his Yue, he is proud of, and he is obsessed with love all his life.

If he can, he wants to go up now, put her in his arms, hold her tightly, and let everyone know that she is his.

But, suddenly, when Xiao Junyan's eyes were on Mu Yue, the scene in front of him became a little blurred.

Xiao Junyan raised his hand, covered his eyes, and cursed, "Damn it!"

He was too engrossed just now, and he forgot the trouble with his eyes again.

If he didn't solve the bullet in his brain, he would not be happy with Mu Yue again, he would only bring her sadness.

Thinking of this, Xiao Junyan stood up, swayed his feet and left the field.

Shen Jiangyu and the others cheered with excitement. Lin Ziye, who had been watching the game in the audience all the time, also ran up, but they almost carried Mu Yue into the air.

Gu Han laughed triumphantly and said, "Hahaha, Mu Yue, you are so amazing, so amazing! Beat them speechless!"

"That's right, Mu Yue, how can you be so powerful? How did your brain grow?" Lin Ziye also looked at Mu Yue excitedly and curiously, and asked puzzledly.

Mu Yue touched his nose nonchalantly, smiled and said, "As long as you learn the technique of inspection, anyone can do it!"

"Really? I don't have the ability!" Situ Zhao said, shaking his head.

Liu Xinning was very curious and asked Mu Yue, "Yes, is this your unique trick?"

Mu Yue couldn't tell them the power of his eyes, so he smiled and nodded, which was regarded as answering their words.

Chen Yukun also looked at Mu Yue with admiration. Even the old Chinese doctors like them couldn't do it with this kind of inspection ability!

"Mu Yue, it's up to you to revive the great cause of Chinese medicine in the future. You are our only hope for Chinese medicine!" Chen Yukun said to Mu Yue with emotion and weight.

Mu Yue smiled softly, "Old Chen, don't worry, even if you don't say anything, I will do my best to carry forward Chinese medicine!"

This is her wish, and, not only Chinese medicine, but also metaphysics, she also wants to carry him forward.

Chen Yukun nodded appreciatively, watching Mu Yue like it more and more.

Dr. Howard and others also congratulated Mu Yue, "Congratulations! Congratulations to Miss Mu!"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded gently at Dr. Howard, "Thank you, Dr. Howard, and the expert doctors!"

"Don't thank us, all of this is achieved by your own ability!" Dr. Eric said with a smile.

Dr. Annie smiled and said gratefully to Mu Yue, "Yes, the person to be thanked is us. It is you who let us see Huaxia Kingdom's inspection technique. It is really amazing!"

"Yeah!" Dr. Wells said with emotion, "I really didn't expect that the technique of inspection and diagnosis of Chinese medicine is so powerful. I am more and more interested in Chinese medicine. I don't know if I will be able to interact with Chinese medicine in the future. Ms. Mu Yue can talk more about Chinese medicine!"

"Of course you can!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "I would love it!"


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