Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2386: Start of the second game 2

The game hasn't started yet, and the air is full of the smell of fighting gunpowder.

Howard, Wells and other international experts and doctors representing the World Health Organization came to the center of the competition venue and glanced at the crowd.

"Everyone is here, and the game can start. Today's game is acupuncture. Isn't it the silver needle of your Chinese medicine and Korean medicine. I don't know how you plan to compare?" Dr. Howard asked on behalf of the experts. Everyone.

Tan Shuai proudly lifted his chin and said, "Of course it's hand strength!"

"Do you have hand strength? How do you compare it?" Mu Yue raised her eyebrows, the corners of her lips raised, and asked confidently.

Compete with her? It's like a heaven and earth!

Not to mention that she is not an ordinary person, but a master of internal skills.

"Comparing hand strength is to use silver needles or gold to pierce the wood with needles. Whoever pierces the largest size is the most powerful!" Wu Jiangsong said with a smile on his face, touching his beard, and speaking for everyone present.

Mu Yue nodded and stood up, "Yes! So, how do you send someone to this?"

"This time our single game, only one game, one to one!" Tan Shuai said confidently.

He used this method entirely because, among the five of them, his acupuncture skills are the highest. If others compete, it will probably only drag him back. Therefore, if he only competes once, as long as he wins, it represents They Korean Korean Medicine won.

Mu Yue nodded gently, "Then who are your Korean doctors going to send?"

When Tan Shuai heard Mu Yue's words, he showed a confident smile on his face and said, "Of course it is me, this time I will challenge your Huaxia Kingdom's acupuncture technique!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue's eyes gleamed and turned to look at Shen Jiangyu and others, "Which one of you has the best acupuncture skills?"

Shen Jiangyu and they looked at each other, thought about it, and asked Mu Yue, "How is your acupuncture technique?"

Mu Yue looked at Shen Jiangyu and the others, and smiled confidently, "Similar to my visit!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Shen Jiangyu and the others looked at each other again, as if they had understood each other's meaning.

They discussed it yesterday, as long as Mu Yue is capable and better than them, let her go!

"You are our captain, of course you go!" Gu Han smiled and said to Mu Yue.

Situ Zhao nodded, "Naturally you go, our acupuncture is not so good!"

Seeing the attitude of Shen Jiangyu and the others, Mu Yue knew everything in her heart, smiled and nodded, and said confidently, "Don't worry, I will win beautifully just like yesterday!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, I don't know why, Shen Jiangyu and others are 100% convinced that today's Mu Yue can still win as beautifully as yesterday.

Mu Yue turned around and took another step towards Tan Shuai, a confident smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I am the captain, let me come for this game, are you okay?"

Tan Shuai and other Korean doctors in South Korea heard that Mu Yue was on the field one by one, and their faces were somewhat surprised and delighted.

To my surprise, I didn't expect that Mu Yue would still be sent on stage this time, but he was delighted that Mu Yue's medical skills were already so good that it was impossible to dedicate other energy to learn other things.

I just feel that this time the Chinese medicine team is determined to lose, and they will easily win.

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