Tan Shuai snorted triumphantly and walked to the prepared plank, facing the two or three cameras in front of the plank, and posing a cool pose to the camera.

Then he confidently said to the camera, "I will show you what is superb acupuncture!"

The audience of Huaxia Country in front of the TV couldn't help but complain when they heard what Tan Shuai said.

"Ma Dan, do you think you are handsome? Just an ugly monster!"

"What pose! It's disgusting, okay?"

"It's so disgusting that I have to vomit out for breakfast!"

"What superb acupuncture technique! Shit! It's up to you?"

"If you want to compare, hurry up, put on a pose, and it's so ugly!"

Tan Shuai didn't know how the audience in front of TV made complaints about him.

If Tan Shuai knew it, he would probably spit out a mouthful of old blood. After all, he was the only one who thought he was very handsome.

He was so handsome, but he didn't expect that he would be ridiculed and laughed at by these people.

After Tan Shuai finished playing handsome, he shook his wrist and plunged the soft golden needle directly into the wood.

It's just that this silver needle will only go in half, and the other half will not go into the wood.

However, Tan Shuai was already very satisfied with the situation, with a confident and smug smile on the corner of his mouth.


The viewers in front of the TV, seeing the shot of the silver needle given by the camera, all showed shock and disbelief.

"Wow, such a soft needle pierced into this wood. If I were to do it, I wouldn't be able to do it!"

"It's amazing! This Chinese medicine needle can still be used like this!"

"Although I don't like this Korean very much, this guy is really amazing. Directly piercing this soft and thin golden needle into the wood is really amazing!"

I have to say that this hand, the audience in front of the TV, is still shocking.

Of course, after seeing Tan Shuai's hand, the audience sighed for his ability, and then began to worry about Mu Yue again.

"Hey, this guy is still quite powerful, don't you know that Mu Yue is better than him?"

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to be impossible to get in after a few years of effort, right?"

"I think so too, I am really worried about Mu Yue! Can she really defeat this disgusting guy?"

Everyone looked at the TV in front of them curiously and worriedly.

In the same way, many people on the stage looked at Mu Yue curiously and worriedly, wondering if she could defeat Tan Shuai.

Only those Korean doctors in South Korea looked at Mu Yue triumphantly.

"Tan Shuai is Tan Shuai, he actually got in one-third, I can only get one-fifth in at most!" An Yihuan smiled triumphantly on Mu Yue's face, casting provocative eyes at Mu Yue.

Song Wanjia was also full of deep disdain, "Hehehe, I see some people, even a head is good enough, it's still one-third, one-tenth not!"

"I think it's better to lose!" Liang Qianqiao also looked at Mu Yue mockingly, and said triumphantly.

At this moment, Mu Yue spoke, with a slight smile on the corners of her mouth, her eyes full of sarcasm and disdain, "It's all right? Is this your limit? One third?"

Tan Shuai heard Mu Yue's tone of disdain, and was very upset and angry. He couldn't help but sneered, "Yes, one third is my limit, but I don't know you. How much can a small girl get in at a young age!"

In Tan Shuai's heart, it is impossible for Mu Yue's gender or her age to surpass him.

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