Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2398: Mu Yue's treatment 1

Mu Yue looked at Tan Shuai mockingly, "Are you sure you want to eat shit? Isn't that good? This is detrimental to the pride and face of your Koreans! And, you have considered the audience who is eating at this time. ?"

For Mu Yue's words, the person who was eating and preparing to watch Mu Yue slap her face was very agreeable.

They were indeed eating just now, and when they heard of Tan Shuai, they instantly felt that what they ate was not delicious but a pile of shit.

As a result, they all yelled at Tan Shuai on the TV.

"Puff!" Mu Yutao and other people watching TV in front of the TV couldn't help but spray tea, and laughed and fell to the floor on the sofa.

However, Tan Shuai never expected that Mu Yue would say something like this, his expression constantly changing.

The angry Tan Shuai had only one thought in his mind, and that was not to let Mu Yue be so arrogant.

"Don't let your tongue out. You are now going to cure this patient with facial paralysis. If you can't cure it, then it's your turn to eat shit!" Tan Shuai showed a cruel smile, "I believe. A picture of a beautiful woman eating **** must be very beautiful, hahaha..."

Looking at Tan Shuai's crazy appearance, everyone showed dissatisfaction. Of course, this does not include Koreans.

Dr. Howard and others all looked at Tan Shuai dissatisfied, and the more they looked, the more disgusted and annoying.

Dr. Annie reminded and threatened with dissatisfaction, "Tan Shuai, please pay attention to your identity, in the public, and before the live broadcast, say these insulting words! If you go on talking nonsense, I have the right Drive you out of this competition field!"

Tan Shuai, who had originally shown a hideous look, heard Annie's words, it was definitely like he had eaten a pile of **** in his mouth, it was as ugly as it was.

Tan Shuai, who was resentful in his heart, snorted coldly, closed his mouth, and dared not speak any more.

Mu Yue chuckled lightly and looked at Tan Shuai mockingly, "Then I am afraid you will be disappointed. It is not me who wants to eat, but you!"

After speaking, Mu Yue walked toward the facial palsy patient sitting on a chair gracefully.

The patient is an old man in his 50s or 60s, perhaps because he has worked for half his life and his hair has been grayed out, and he looks like an old man in his 60s or 70s.

Mu Yue smiled at the old man and said, "Old man, I will give you acupuncture now. Don't move, don't move any feelings on your face, okay?"

The old man looked at Mu Yue and nodded, "Well, I watched the live broadcast in the hospital yesterday, little girl, you are old, I believe you can cure my disease!"

Hearing the words of the old man's trust, Mu Yue's lips rose up, revealing a warm smile, and his medical skills were trusted by the old man, which is a very happy thing for any healer.

"Thank you old man, I will give you acupuncture now!" Mu Yue said to the old man with a smile, and then said, "Now let's start timing!"

The staff took out a timer and started timing Mu Yue's acupuncture time.

Mu Yue closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His expression became serious and serious. The moment he opened his eyes, a clear light flashed in the clear and dark eyes.

As Mu Yue's wrists turned, she pinched a few silver needles with cold light in the middle of her fingers.

An afterimage flashed across Mu Yue's hands, and the silver needle in Mu Yue's hand had fallen on the old man's face.

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