Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2409: Deal with the third game 3

"Oh, this stick is really mean!"

"That's right, if this stick wants to say that, there is really no way to refuse! If there is no Mu Yue, are the other Chinese medicine practitioners really good?"

"Hehe, I can't do it. I didn't see yesterday's match. Mu Yue took out the last cases, and the other young Chinese doctors can only take out a quarter!"

"Hey, if it weren't for Mu Yuebi, I guess this game is a bit hanged!"

After the audience scolded Pang Dong and the Koreans, they all began to worry, what will Mu Yue do next.

Mu Yue squinted his eyes, looked at Pang Dong mockingly, and said coldly, "Do you really think you have a face?"

Pang Dong was startled, looking at Mu Yue in confusion, "What?"

"Hehe, our Chinese medicine doctors have always cared about your face and didn't really tear your skin, but you have repeatedly challenged us and challenged the limits of our Chinese medicine!" Mu Yue glanced at it. Those Chinese medicine practitioners in South Korea, "Do you really think that our Chinese medicine doctor is really afraid of you?"

In Mu Yue's remarks, the Korean doctors present all showed ugly faces, but more of them were puzzled. What did she mean by this?

Tearing your skin? What is she going to do?

Mu Yue took a step forward, "You Koreans, since you all have duplicity and have not fulfilled the betting agreement many times, our Huaxia Kingdom does not intend to give you this equal face. From now on, I am Mu Yue alone. Singles out the five of you, or your master of Korean medicine can join in. I am alone and single out the seven of you. Do you dare to accept?"


Mu Yue's words were like an atomic bomb, which exploded calmly before they even saw it, causing a turbulent wave in an instant.

"Damn! God, is it true?"

"So handsome, Mu Yue is so handsome, how can he be so handsome?"

"Ahhhhh...Why is Mu Yue a girl? If he is a man, I will go after him!"

"Be mighty and domineering, so powerful, so handsome, so cool! It's so cool!"

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, especially the young girls, who showed admiration and admiration for Mu Yue.

They only felt that Mu Yue was so handsome. Apart from letting one person single out these young Korean doctors, he also had to single out the masters of Korean medicine who led the team.

The audience in front of the TV, after hearing what Mu Yue said, was startled for a moment, and then burst into applause and cheers.

They did not expect that Mu Yue had such courage and courage to single-handedly challenge these Korean doctors in South Korea. It was too long for them.

"Hahaha, I am also worried that other people will be inferior to these Korean doctors!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that Mu Yue was so powerful and domineering, and he singled out five people. No, it should be said that one person singled out five small ones and two old ones!"

"Hehe, I'm looking forward to the two elders joining, Mu Yue will defeat them again, how shame they must be!"

"Yeah! I'm really looking forward to it, oops, no, I have to go and pee first, otherwise the wonderful pictures will be gone after a while!"

"Cut, isn't there a replay?"

"It's different. It's still lively. If you watch the rebroadcast, you know the result. What else to watch!"


good news! Today is 520, thank you dears for always supporting Wenwen, I will add even more tonight!

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