Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2426: Arrival of the killer 4

In the end, Mu Yue passed the first kill safely.

The black people could only watch Mu Yue and the three of them enter the auditorium.

However, when she walked to the entrance of the auditorium, Mu Yue paused, turned her head and looked around, frowning slightly.

Why does she feel like she is being stared at? And there are some feelings that the whole body is standing up? How is this going?

Gu Han, who had been holding Mu Yue's wrist, felt her pause, turned his head and asked in confusion, "Mu Yue, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Yue smiled slightly and shook her head, "Nothing?"

Although she was a group in her heart, Mu Yue put this doubt in her heart first, and followed Gu Han into the auditorium.

She knows that everything about herself, any divination is a mist, no matter good or bad, she can't make the divination, she can only rely on her keenness.

Fortunately, there was a sunroof in front of the entrance of the auditorium, and the two snipers lying on the roof did not see Mu Yue turning around.

"Damn it, contact that to Yang Shiying!" The black man turned his head and said to the yellow-haired youth beside him.

The young man Huang Fa nodded, took out his mobile phone, and contacted Yang Shiying.

At this moment, Yang Shiying was standing in front of the French window of her hotel box with her chest folded and proud.

Because of the excitement and excitement, Yang Shiying didn't sleep all night. She stood there all night, her eyes still bursting with gleaming light.

Now Yang Shiying is waiting to receive a call from the two people, waiting for them and herself to report that Mu Yue was killed by them.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and Yang Shiying answered the phone without thinking, "Hey, did you kill it?"

The voice addressed to the yellow-haired man came from the phone, "No!"

"Hahaha... Mu Yue, you little bitch, you are finally dead..." Subconsciously, Yang Shiying let out a burst of crazy excited laughter, meaning that the call was to inform her of good news.

But, soon, in the middle of speaking, Yang Shiying stopped talking, and her laughter stopped abruptly. She asked in disbelief, "You...what did you say?"

"Time is too short, and the information you gave is not complete, you can't kill her!" The yellow-haired man said coldly when he heard Yang Shiying's questioning.

"What information is incomplete, I have given you all the information that I should give, even if it is a bit skillful for the little bitch, can't you kill her with a sniper gun? If you can't kill the little bitch, just say, I Let Edward change!" Yang Shiying was very angry and blamed the yellow-haired man.

She waited for them to kill Mu Yue, so that she wouldn't have to worry about Mu Yue winning the contest, and then snatched her shares in Minxian Cosmetics Company.

Although Mu Yue had won the first few games, and lost in the last one, after all, there was one loss and the person died. She has the ability to refute all of this, but things did not match her wishes.

The yellow-haired man was also a little angry when he heard Yang Shiying's questioning, and even blamed them.

Before coming, they didn't know who they were going to kill.

Although yesterday they knew who to kill and also designated where to kill, this made them ignorant of the surrounding environment.

Whether it is to kill or to escape safely after killing, they must be calculated, and the position of the sniper must be selected.

But now their seats have been selected. The problem is that Mu Yue is not facing them head-on, which makes them unable to kill.

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