Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2430: Brother Xiao, miss you 1

Tian Feng and Wu Jiangsong were also furious when they heard Lin Ziye and Cheng Moran's provocative words.

Especially Wu Jiangsong, who is Master Tan Shuai, felt even more embarrassed. He raised his head angrily, stared at him, and asked, "Is this the way your Huaxia Country treats guests?"

Hearing this, Mu Yue glanced at Wu Jiangsong who was talking, and chuckled lightly, "Hospitality? Of course we have it. Isn't this just telling you about the past? After all, this is your previous bet. ! And the person to be questioned is us. Are you Koreans who are incongruous people? This is the case with the chairman of Minxuan Cosmetics Company, and the same is true for your young Korean doctors. Don’t you abide by the gambling agreement? So what is the meaning of this bet?"

The rebuttal words here made Wu Jiangsong with an angry face suddenly speechless, and he felt like he had eaten a dead fly. He was very uncomfortable and couldn't vomit.

Gu Han nodded in agreement, and said mockingly, “That’s right, this game is about two betting contracts. We didn’t urge you, block you, and threaten you like those usury. It’s already very promising. Be polite, do you want us to chase you like those usury?"

"Our hospitality in China is only aimed at those with status and morality, not at the kind of people who have turned back and challenged our bottom line again and again!" Cheng Moran sneered and said.

Although these guys are young people, who said that young people can't have brains? Their minds are great!

Moreover, they like to do the kind of detrimental things most, especially slap those arrogant people in the face.

Mu Yue raised his hand and said faintly to Cheng Moran and the others, "We are Chinese, we have to be polite, and we can't say that they are bad in front of others. As long as they admit their mistakes, we can still forgive them. After all, Buddha The family said a very good word, and it’s hard to look back!"

"Puff!" Gu Han only felt a little funny, and smiled while covering his mouth, and said with a grin.

Shen Jiangyu nodded solemnly and said, "I kind of hope to see them turning back!"

Although the tone of his speech was very solemn, the excitement and anticipation in his eyes had betrayed him.

He is looking forward to seeing Tan Shuai's live broadcast of eating shit, which is a very rare good thing!

"I also look forward to it! I think they can find their shortcomings and correct their mistakes!" Liu Xinning nodded and said with a smile, like Shen Jiangyu in his heart, looking forward to it very much.

Everyone, what you say to me, the Korean complexion is very beautiful, constantly changing, if possible, they really want to turn around and leave, they don't want to stay here for a moment.

Mu Yue watched the changes in their expressions, laughed, and reminded him, "Well, everyone, don’t talk about it. Time is rushed. Let’s play first. After all, it’s time for competition, not time for chatting. Nostalgia, there will be opportunities in the future!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, but the eyes of the Korean doctor and others were full of ridicule and gloat.

They were very much looking forward to seeing these Korean doctors, and Mu Yue was singled out by Mu Yue once again, and they died miserably.

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