At this moment, the patient's wife and old mother both showed smiles, and tears fell uncontrollably.

Because before he came, the patient's legs didn't feel a little bit, and he wouldn't feel even if he knocked hard, but now he feels it. This is hope.

"What!" The Korean doctors screamed when they heard the patient's words, with a look of disbelief. They couldn't believe that Mu Yue's treatment could really make the patient feel so obvious.

"How is this possible? Are you sure it's not because Mu Yue is from the Huaxia Kingdom, you helped her, so you lied to us!" An Yihuan questioned the patient angrily.

In An Yihuan's heart, it was so guessed that this patient was to make Mu Yue win, so he said that he feels now, not really feels.

When the patient heard An Yihuan’s words, the look on her face looked very ugly. He glanced at her dissatisfiedly, “I’m not as shameless as you guys. Our talents in China will not do such rascal things. I said yes. Feel it!"

Dare to say that he is a lie!

He clearly felt his legs feel, not the kind of heart-piercing pain when Mu Yue smashed his bones.

When An Yihuan heard the patient's cynicism, her face was flushed with anger, and she subconsciously slapped the patient severely.

This is so special, Mu Yue said she would forget it, even the patient who begged them for treatment dared to be arrogant in front of her and mock herself.


However, before the slap fell, there was a scream of pain from the woman.

Everyone looked at what happened suddenly at this time in surprise.

An Yihuan put her hand on her wrist, her face was full of pain, and she quickly pulled out the silver needle from her wrist.

An Yihuan’s hand just now did not fall on the patient’s face. Instead, there was a silver needle on her wrist. Where did this silver needle come from?

Subconsciously, everyone went to find out who shot this silver needle.

Just when they turned their heads, everyone saw Mu Yue's cold eyes.

Yes, Mu Yue opened his eyes, and the dark eyes were cold, locked on An Yihuan's body.

Although Mu Yue was adjusting her breath just now and regaining the internal energy she had just consumed, she was always paying attention to the patient's condition and the actions of these Korean doctors.

She is very vigilant about the nasty thoughts and malicious behavior of these Korean doctors, and she is afraid that they will do anything.

Sure enough, Anyi Huan started, although she was not going to hurt the patient's legs, but she was going to hit the patient in the face.

She slapped this patient in the face, and she was also slapped in the face of their Chinese people, she would take action and let her feel the pain.

An Yihuan also noticed the pain in her wrist, which was under Mu Yue's hand. She almost went crazy and rushed towards Mu Yue, "You dare to hurt me!"

Mu Yue looked at An Yihuan who was rushing over, but did not get up, just lifted his foot gently and kicked on An Yihuan's knee.

An Yihuan fell to the ground with a thump, and fell into a dog-eating action, looking very embarrassed and miserable.

Everyone did not expect to see An Yihuan's embarrassed appearance, and Qi Qi opened his eyes wide.

Unfortunately, this scene was "kindly" recorded by the photographer, so that everyone in front of the TV could see it.


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