Originally, it would take a long time to recover part of the internal strength according to Mu Yue's own resting speed.

But now, with the help of Xiao Junyan, at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Mu Yue slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

Xiao Junyan saw Mu Yue woke up with his eyes open, a slight smile appeared on his face, and he asked gently, "Wake up!"

Mu Yue looked around, raised her hand and pressed her temple, frowned and asked, "How long did I sleep?"

Looking at this familiar room, Mu Yue knew that when Xiao Junyan came in with her in her arms, she didn't even know.

Xiao Junyan explained gently, "It didn't take long, more than four hours!"

"More than four hours? It's really not too long!" Mu Yue nodded. She thought she would take a day off. Unexpectedly, she woke up in more than four hours.

Mu Yue felt that there was still a steady flow of power in her body that entered her body, turning her head to look at Xiao Junyan and holding her hand.

For a while, I understood why I would wake up so quickly.

It was Xiao Junyan who was always by his side, injecting inner energy into himself.

Mu Yue glanced at Xiao Junyan gratefully, "Senior Brother Xiao, I'm fine, you don't have to give me qi!"

"It's okay, help you recover some more!" Xiao Junyan said softly.

Mu Yue felt Xiao Junyan's gentle care, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She turned her side and looked at Xiao Junyan with a smile, "Brother Xiao, why didn't you tell me when you came back? I'll pick you up!"

"It's okay, I want to give you a surprise!" Xiao Junyan smiled softly and said softly.

He didn't want to surprise Mu Yue, but didn't want to come out at all, and then went to Dongfang Sheng silently.

However, in the current situation, to find Dongfangsheng, we have to find other excuses.

"This surprise, I give full marks!" Mu Yue also believed Xiao Junyan's words, with a big smile on his face, nodded and said, "Today, if it weren't for you, I would have died long ago!"

Think about it, I already felt a bad premonition today, but she was still not alert too much. She didn't expect that there would be a sniper, which made herself almost killed.

Thinking about it now, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Mu Yue's forehead unconsciously.

Listening to Mu Yue's words, Xiao Junyan's handsome eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he reached out his hand worriedly and touched Mu Yue's head, and said in a somewhat serious tone, "Don't put yourself in danger in the future! Take it everywhere you go. With bodyguards!"

Mu Yue stopped, suddenly embarrassed, but also brought bodyguards, this is too high standard!

"Stop it?" Mu Yue smiled awkwardly and said awkwardly, "This time it's an accident. Just pay attention to it at ordinary times. There will be no problem!"

However, Xiao Junyan's brows were tightly furrowed together. If he could, he would rather be Mu Yue's bodyguard and always protect her safety, so that he could truly feel at ease.

"I will discuss this matter with your father!" Xiao Junyan did not allow Mu Yue to refuse this matter.

Mu Yue's childish and beautiful face suddenly showed a bitter smile, and looked at Xiao Junyan aggrievedly, "Senior Brother Xiao, don't you?"

"Good! Obedient!" Xiao Junyan gently touched Mu Yue's head, comforting her.

Mu Yue has never been immune to someone's gentle words, so she nodded subconsciously, but tears ran in her heart.

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