Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2487: Patient 2 outside the medicated restaurant

Mu Yue was busy with his studies and company affairs, and soon came the two-day vacation.

On Saturday morning, in front of the medicinal restaurant, it can be said to be very lively.

When Ling Hong came to the medicated food restaurant, seeing the lively scene, he couldn't help rubbing his eyes, shocked in his heart.

The security guard saw Ling Hong’s arrival and ran up quickly, “Ling, you see, these are all planning to come to see Mu Dong for treatment. They all heard in front of the TV that Mu Dong will see a doctor at the medicated restaurant today. So they all rushed here. Someone started coming last night, and even if I drove them, they wouldn’t want to leave!"

Listening to the security report and explanation, Ling Hong couldn't help but wonder, there are so many people!

He had imagined that there would be a lot of people, but he did not expect that there would be so many people.

Because of this, he deliberately stayed in the capital to help deal with the emergency!

Ling Hong wiped the sweat coming out of his forehead, and quickly turned around and took out his mobile phone, dialed Mu Yue's number, and reported the situation here.

At this time, Mu Yue, who was having breakfast with his family, heard his mobile phone rang, picked it up to see that it was Ling Hong's, and answered the call, "Hey, Brother Ling, what's the matter?"

Ling Hong glanced at the lively venue, and said with a wry smile, "Mu Dong, today our medicinal restaurant is surrounded by patients and their families!"

Mu Yue heard Ling Hong’s report, and heard from the phone that it seemed to be very lively, and said with a smile, "Are there many people? That proves that many people watched our game. That's good." , You just follow the plan I gave you before!"

"Okay!" Ling Hong nodded, and said remindingly, "However, Mu Dong, there are a lot of people, you will definitely be very busy and tired to see a doctor!"

Mu Yue's lips curled up with a smile, "Don't you know my speed? Haven't you watched the live broadcast of the speed of my consultation? Don't worry, I should still be fine with this person!"

"That's right!" Ling Hong thought for a while, smiled and nodded, thinking of Mu Yue's watching speed, he also had to admire it, the speed is fast and the accuracy is 100%.

Mu Yue hung up the phone and started breakfast again.

Hearing what Mu Yue said, Mu Haixuan said to Mu Yue with concern, "Xiao Yue'er, if you feel tired, you don't have to read them all, just take them away. You can't be alone. See so many people!"

Compared to other people's lives, Mu Haixuan cared more about his precious daughter. If Mu Yue was tired out because of them, he didn't play with them.

Could it be that your life is fate, but Mu Yue's fate is not? Should I use my life to treat you? joke!

"Ha ha ha, dad, don't worry, I know my abilities, I have a sense of measure, and will not let myself get tired!" Mu Yue smiled slightly, comforting Mu Haixuan.

Mu Haixuan nodded gently, and then said with satisfaction, "Well, Dad believes in you, let Mu Yu accompany you later, I will let him look at you!"

Originally, Mu Yue had a smile on his face when he heard the first half of Mu Haixuan's sentence, but when he heard the second half, Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded.

After all, Mu Haixuan still didn't believe her, and sent Mu Yu to monitor her.

"Okay!" Mu Yue could only sigh deeply in her heart and nod her head, "I will pay attention!"

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