Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2493: Unethical medical treatment 1

The news report once again made Mu Yue a great fame, and even pushed the medicinal restaurant and traditional Chinese medicine to a climax.

Many people drag their relatives and friends to go to the medicated restaurant to see Mu Yue for treatment.

Regardless of some illnesses, you have to try your luck. It is best if you can cure it, but if you can't cure it, it's just an attempt.

However, they did not expect that their kind of psychology is not only for them, but also for other people. When they came to the medicinal restaurant, they found that there were already a lot of people in the medicinal restaurant.

"There are already so many people!"

"There are so many people, no, I have to line up quickly!"

"What the **** is going on? How come so many people, just like us, came after watching the news?"

"Damn it, it's true, so many patients, how long does it have to be queued!"

Everyone was curious and surprised watching the lively scene outside the medicated restaurant, and they couldn't help but wonder.

When Mu Yue came to the medicinal restaurant, it was naturally a busy treatment.

The speed of treatment was obviously much faster than yesterday, but he tried his best to determine the condition based on the observation and inquiry of his Chinese medicine practitioner, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

As the saying goes, old TCM doctors are less tailored. It is because the old TCM doctors have seen a lot of patients, they can see the patient's condition, and the condition they see is very accurate.

Ling Hong looked at the situation outside and was amazed. He felt proud and excited. This is his boss. Both his looks and talents are among the best in the world, not comparable to ordinary people.

Only when you work under such a boss can you truly display your talents and realize your wishes.

In fact, before Ling Hong wanted to open a restaurant or hotel by himself, but mainly because he had no money.

But now he has money, but Ling Hong doesn't have this idea anymore. He just wants to develop this medicinal restaurant into a chain nationwide or even a chain all over the world under Mu Yue's hands.

He is not an ungrateful person. Mu Yue gave him a chance to show off his talents. Now that he is rich, he must abandon his old master and live on his own.

Since she chose to help Mu Yue, she would help for a lifetime.

He also wanted to see how high he could take the medicated food restaurant with Mu Yue's assistance, which was also a challenge to his life and a response to his coming into this world.

With deep pride and expectation in his heart, Ling Hong greeted the waiters and security guards of the medicinal restaurant to keep them in order.

Seeing that it was already afternoon, there were still so many people, and if this continued, it is estimated that Mu Yue would have no way of treatment to end.

"Mu Dong, there are so many people coming outside, is there a limit?" Ling Hong asked Mu Yue worriedly.

Mu Yue raised her head from behind the examination table and nodded, "Well, from now on, people who come now will not be treated, except for those who have yesterday's number plates. They will also be issued today to avoid making mistakes. Up!"

"Okay, I'll go down and make arrangements right away!" With Mu Yue's approval, Ling Hong hurriedly went down to make arrangements and asked them to distribute the number plates they made to each patient.

However, I originally thought that it would be better for patients who came later to give up treatment after having the number plate.

But I didn't expect that it would cause trouble because of this number plate.

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