Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2517: Go to that little **** 4

Hearing Mu Yue's words, this little gangster also questioned the question in his heart, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the police station?"

"Hehehe, of course I came out by myself, and came to you to clarify my innocence!" Mu Yue sneered, and said mockingly at the little bastard.

Listening to Mu Yue's sneer, the gangster couldn't help but tremble slightly, and a layer of fine sweat burst out all over his body.

"What...what are you going to do!" The little gangster stammered and asked Mu Yue, taking a step back, but behind him was the gaming table, and he was already unable to retreat.

Mu Yue looked at the cowardly appearance of the little bastard, and smiled mockingly. As soon as he wanted to say something, the noise around him was reduced a lot.

Noting the situation outside, Mu Yue turned his head and looked around, and saw a group of people walking towards this side. These people seemed to exude a strong aura. It's no wonder the people around didn't speak much or shout.

Mu Yu got rid of the security guards and walked to Mu Yue's side, facing the group of people who were coming here.

The little **** also noticed the changes in the surrounding atmosphere, turned his head in Mu Yue's direction, and saw Zhuo Yihai walking in with someone.

Seeing Zhuo Yihai, the little **** suddenly cried out excitedly, "Brother Hai!"

I was originally a small bastard, and I still often gamble in this casino. Naturally, I have seen the boss here, Brother Zhuo Yihai.

Mu Yue squinted her eyes when she heard the name of this little bastard. This guy should be the eldest brother on the ground.

Zhuo Yihai walked in front of Mu Yue and the others, because he was so tall, he almost looked down at Mu Yue and Mu Yu with a downward look.

When I saw Mu Yu, I felt the aura radiating from him, raised his brows, and said inwardly, "Sure enough, I am a practitioner!"

"You guys broke into my casino and injured me!" Zhuo Yihai asked Mu Yue and the others with a cold face.

Even if Mu Yu was in the Lian family, Zhuo Yihai still couldn't let them break the rules of his place, and they still hit the door.

"Yes!" Mu Yue nodded calmly and answered honestly.

Zhuo Yihai said coldly again, "Ha ha, have the courage, do you know, what will happen to someone who hurts me?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know. The purpose of my coming is for him! I just need to take him away!" Mu Yue pointed to the little **** next to him and said.

When this little gangster heard Mu Yue wanting herself, her body trembled, and he screamed at Zhuo Yihai, "Brother Hai, you save me, this woman is a lunatic, you can't let her take me away what!"

When Mu Yue heard what the **** called him, he directly raised his hand and gave him a big ear scraper, fanning the bastard's eyes to stare at the gold star.

Zhuo Yihai didn't like this guy's timidity very much when he heard the gangster begging for help.

However, Mu Yue did not hesitate to play punks in front of him, which made him very dissatisfied.

"This lady, this is also my Zhuo Yihai's site anyway, isn't it a bad thing for you to not give me face like this?" Zhuo Yihai squinted his eyes and asked Mu Yue coldly.

Mu Yue turned his head and looked at Zhuo Yihai, her tone was flat, but she was full of strong and unquestionable, "I have already told you, I want to take the guy away, as long as it is the person I want to take away, there is no need to take it. Go!"

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