Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2557: Mu Yue's phone number 1

Mu Yue received a call from Zhuo Yihai, knowing Bai Yan's fate, she only sighed secretly in her heart, karma!

With the death of Bai Yan, things in Hubei have come to an end.

No trouble, Mu Yue's life has also returned to peace. She does not go to school every day or handle the company's affairs.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of the month.

Mu Yue finished his homework, stretched out, and walked to the bedside, looking at the heavy snow falling outside, a feeling of longing surged in his heart.

"Well, I don't know Brother Xiao, what are you doing now, what is the weather in Jiangnan Province now, is it snowing? I haven't called me for a long time!" Mu Yue muttered to herself, already from her pocket He took out his cell phone and prepared to call Xiao Junyan.

During this time, Mu Yue did not receive a call from Xiao Junyan, which made her feel a little uneasy.

In the past, even if she didn't call Xiao Junyan, Xiao Junyan would call her, and she was extremely diligent.

However, since Xiao Junyan's mission, it has become different! Did something happen?

Mu Yue frowned, pressed the phone number, put the phone to his ear, and listened to the beeping sound inside the phone.

On the other side, Xiao Junyan was sitting in a box with empty wine bottles on the coffee table in front of him.

At the side, Ye Tianming lowered his head and held the sieve, turning his head to look at Xiao Junyan from time to time, but he did not dare to speak.

At this time, Xiao Junyan's cell phone rang.

Xiao Junyan shook his body, took out the mobile phone in his pocket, saw the caller ID, and frowned tightly together, just holding the mobile phone, but there was no movement.

Ye Tianming looked at Xiao Junyan suspiciously, what is this doing? Who is calling?

However, Ye Tianming soon understood that it must be Mu Yue's call, otherwise, Xiao Junyan would not be so hesitant.

"Little Junior Sister's phone number?" Ye Tianming put down the sieve in his hand and asked with concern.

Xiao Junyan put the phone in his hand on the table, but the phone's ringtone was still ringing.

Ye Tianming looked at Xiao Junyan's appearance and sighed deeply, "Boss, the younger sister is calling you, you always have to answer it!"

Xiao Junyan looked for him not long after he came back, and he also knew from Xiao Junyan that he might be dead soon.

Reminiscing about the catastrophe of Xiao Junyan's life and death mentioned by Mu Yue, he was also worried.

However, thinking of Mu Yue, Ye Tianming only felt that one head was two big, and he scratched his own hair.

Now that the boss and the younger sister are two people, he really doesn't know who to help.

"Boss, it's not good for you to go on like this. Since the younger sister called you, you know she must have noticed something!" Ye Tianming quickly reminded Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan turned his head, and there was a cold light in his pitch-black eyes.

In normal times, Ye Tianming would definitely shrink his neck and dare not say any more, but at this time, he said, "Boss, don't stare at me like this, I don't know if you agree with what I said. words!"

Xiao Junyan waited for Ye Tianming for a while, then withdrew his gaze again, seeming to have acquiesced to Ye Tianming's words.

"Boss, I think you should tell the younger sister clearly, this kind of thing, she...sooner or later will know!" Ye Tianming hesitated and said.

Xiao Junyan raised his hand to cover his face with hesitation and distress on his face. He didn't want Mu Yue to worry about pain and sadness because of his affairs.

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