Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2563: Cancel the marriage contract 4

Mu Yue let his hands go down to investigate Xiao Junyan's whereabouts, but there was no news of him.

She also knew that if Xiao Junyan wanted to deliberately hide his whereabouts, with his ability, he could easily escape their search.

However, this made Mu Yue even more worried and puzzled. Why did Xiao Junyan do this? Why avoid her?

Although Mu Yue was in school, she was very worried about Xiao Junyan's situation in her heart.

And she didn't know that Xiao Junyan didn't show up in front of her, but instead let Old Man Xiao come to Mu's family to divorce.

When Mr. Mu heard Mr. Xiao's words, he was extremely angry and furious, "Old Xiao, I respect you as my predecessor, but that does not mean that your grandson can play with my granddaughter's feelings at will! It’s not that Xiaoyue’er really likes Xiao Junyan. I will never allow them to be together. It’s okay for you now. If you want to cancel the marriage contract, you must give me an explanation today. Otherwise, our Mu family will never give up. Everything, I have to ask for justice for my granddaughter!"

Elder Xiao beckoned to Elder Mu, "Lao Mu, I know that this is something our kid did not do right. If you have any anger, you can send it out. Our Xiao family is willing to use some resources to bear it! "

He also thought about it, since they were sorry for the Mu family in this matter, then they would use their resources in exchange for the Mu family's forgiveness.

"I want to be beautiful!" When the old man heard this, he became even more angry. "My granddaughter is not an item. You lose it if you say it. Even if you give us all your resources, we won't want it. I want it now. The thing is, Xiao Junyan stood in front of me, let him explain, let him kneel down and beg Xiao Yue's forgiveness, otherwise, this matter has nothing to do!"

What do you think of your baby granddaughter?

I was so diligent and swayed in front of them at the beginning, but now I just said that I don't want it?

How can Xiaoyue'er of their family go out to see people in the future?

Moreover, Xiao Yue'er also likes Xiao Junyan. If he knows that Xiao Junyan is about to dissolve the marriage contract, I don't know if he will be sad. Thinking of this, his old man will feel distressed.

Now that Mu Yue came back, their Mu family vowed that they would never let Mu Yue suffer any wrongdoing, let alone make her shed a tear.

Elder Xiao looked at Elder Mu’s angry appearance and opened his mouth. He didn’t know what to say, so he sighed and stood up, “Lao Mu, please discuss this matter slowly, and hope we can resolve it peacefully. , I know, this is our Xiao family’s fault. It is our Xiao family’s sorry for your admirers. We are willing to agree to whatever compensation you want!

He agreed to Xiao Junyan that this matter must never be known to the Mu family, so he could only leave first.

Now Mu Yue is not here, and he doesn't want to see Mu Yue's sad look.

Thinking of that beautiful and sensible little girl, the old man Xiao still feels unwilling to let her go so that she has nothing to do with their Xiao family, and there is no way to become his granddaughter-in-law.

In Elder Xiao's heart, only Mu Yue could be worthy of his grandson. He really liked Mu Yue very much.

However, Xiao Junyan was very blessed, unable to be with Mu Yue, and felt very sorry.

"This matter, our Mu family won't let it go!" Elder Mu also shouted at Elder Xiao angrily.

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