Now that it has been decided that the relationship between Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan will continue to be maintained, and even more to be engaged, then everyone is planning that this matter has to be done early.

Especially now that the limelight is still so big, it is necessary to rectify Mu Yue's name sooner.

The old man Xiao waved his hand, he wrote the invitation, and his old man wrote it, indicating that the Xiao family really did not intend to dissolve the marriage contract.

In this Xiao family, Elder Xiao is the real person in power, who truly represents their Xiao family. Therefore, even if he comes forward, it is useless for others to believe in the second room of the Xiao family.

Feng Jiahui and Xiao Kexin's mother and daughter in the Xiao family's second house are completely outsiders at the Xiao family's house. They can't talk to them at all, and no one talks to them.

It was their performance just now, whether it was the Mu family or the Xiao family that were dissatisfied with them.

Especially the people of the Mu family, thinking that in the future, although Mu Yue was married into the Xiao family, she wouldn't have much contact with the second room of the Xiao family.

Whether it was they framed and slandered Mu Yue's reputation before, or they still resisted Mu Yue's marriage to the Xiao family so much, they were unhappy with them.

In the end, after the two parties discussed, the wedding of Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan was held during the winter vacation, so Mu Yue had to give Mu Yue time to relax.

Now in November, in the winter vacation, time is not too urgent. After all, it is just an engagement, not a real marriage date.

However, Mu Haixuan still looked at Xiao Junyan upset, "Boy, go out with me!"

"Dad, where are you going?" Mu Yue was a little worried when she saw that Mu Haixuan was going to take Xiao Junyan out.

Mu Haixuan touched Mu Yue's head and comforted her, "It's okay, just talk about two men, stay here, don't go out, be good!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue tenderly. Although he didn't know what Mu Haixuan asked him to do, he still thought it was better not to let her out.

"It's okay, stay with Grandpa and them here!" Xiao Junyan comforted Mu Yue and patted the back of her hand.

Mu Yue frowned. Although she was worried about Xiao Junyan, she thought about the Xiao family here and believed that Mu Haixuan would not really hurt Xiao Junyan, so she nodded, "Okay, I'm waiting for you!"

Mu Haixuan left the hall with Xiao Junyan, and Mu Yue was still a little worried.

Seeing Xiao Junyan being taken out by Mu Haixuan to teach him, Mu Wenhao snorted coldly, took Mu Yue into his arms, let her sit on the sofa and comforted her, "Don't worry, that kid deserves it! "

It was this kid who bullied Mu Yue and made Mu Yue so sad for him. She shed tears for him, and he looked distressed.

Fortunately, there is Mu Haixuan at home, and sister Yue's father is here. It is still very difficult for Xiao Junyan to rise up the waves.

"That's right, that guy dared to bully our baby sister, absolutely can't allow it!" Mu Yutao snorted coldly, also said with a strong anger.

It's a pity that Mu Yue still chose that bastard, really wishing to erase him from Mu Yue's life!

Mu Yue listened to the comfort and anger of several brothers, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. What else could she ask for?

"Well, I know, there will be a brother to protect me in the future, no one can bully me!" Mu Yue nodded gently with mist in his eyes.

Mu Yutao and the others smiled and touched Mu Yue's head, their actions and expressions were pampering and gentle.

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