Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2630: National Husband Xiao Junyan 3

He proposed marriage and obtained the company and share property from Xiao Junyan. Mu Yue also discussed with Xiao Junyan in the evening.

After making some decisions, on Saturday, Qin Shaoyang took it directly to the villa.

Qin Shaoyang knocked on the door of the villa, and saw Xiao Junyan holding the mop in one hand and opening the door with the other, and instantly three black lines fell on his forehead.

He had never thought that such a cruel male **** Xiao Junyan would actually do this kind of housework.

"Come in!" Xiao Junyan put a pair of slippers on the ground and said to Qin Shaoyang.

Qin Shaoyang walked into the villa and saw Mu Yue in the lobby, lying reclining on the sofa, watching with a book in his hand.

"Um, Mu Dong, you are really...comfortable!" Qin Shaoyang couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw Mu Yue's situation.

Suddenly, I didn't know if I should be envious, or it was time to complain.

If such a thing happens in his home, he must be crazy!

Qin Shaoyang turned his head and looked at Xiao Junyan again. He was mopping the floor with a mop! It seems to have done it very carefully.

"Well, you are here!" Mu Yue smiled and sat up, beckoned to Qin Shaoyang, and said, "Come here and sit down and talk!"

Qin Shaoyang smiled awkwardly, sat on the sofa, and asked curiously, "Mu Dong, don't you clean it?"

Oops, he really can't accept the things that men are busy with cleaning and housework, and women are sitting there enjoying.

It really made him want to complain. He really couldn't do it. It would be nice if he could not demolish the whole family.

"No cleaning, why should I clean?" Mu Yue blinked and said innocently.

In fact, she wanted to clean, but Xiao Junyan refused to let her clean, she couldn't help it!

As soon as he touched those things, Xiao Junyan ran over, pressed her on the sofa, and let her rest.

So in the end, Mu Yue obediently leaned on the sofa to read, leaving Xiao Junyan to work alone.

Seeing Qin Shaoyang's unbelievable appearance now, Mu Yue couldn't help but want to tease him.

"This..." Qin Shaoyang didn't even know how to explain it.

Mu Yue smiled and joked, "Hehe, Brother Qin, who cleans your house? Who does the housework?"

"A babysitter is here!" Qin Shaoyang smiled awkwardly and explained.

"Oh! That's okay!" Mu Yue nodded, turned around and asked Xiao Junyan with a smile, "Jun Yan, do you think we should also hire a nanny?"

Xiao Junyan raised his head, smiled and said softly, "No, I'll clean it!"

"Khan!" Qin Shaoyang is really going to sweat at the waterfall. He wants to say that he doesn't want to do this kind of thing, he can't do it!

In the end, Qin Shaoyang laughed twice and said to Mu Yue, "Hehehe, Mu Dong, let's talk about the company first!"

Mu Yue pointed at Qin Shaoyang, not ridiculing, and agreed to change the subject, "Okay, let's talk about the company first, here are some land that Jun Yan gave me, you can take a look at it!"

Qin Shaoyang took the information that Mu Yue had handed over, with a surprised look on his face, and glanced at Xiao Junyan, "Why did you give it now? Didn't you give it before?"

Because the proposal was still yesterday, and now it’s not the kind of later generations that everyone has a mobile phone and can spread news on the Internet. Therefore, Qin Shaoyang doesn’t know about this, nor does he know that Xiao Junyan has everything under his name To Mu Yue.

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