Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2632: Going to live together 1

After cleaning up the housework, Xiao Junyan also sat on the sofa, took Mu Yue into his arms, looked at the book she was reading, and asked softly, "Yue, move over and live with me!"

Because of the marriage proposal, I made an application with Mr. Mu yesterday, so I lived here directly with Xiao Junyan last night.

However, enjoying the happy two-person world of two people together, he wanted to continue living with Mu Yue.

Mu Yue lay languidly in Xiao Junyan's arms, smiled slightly, and said, "I can't do this thing. I have to ask my dad and grandpa for their permission!"

"I want to be with you. If I only have a little time left in the end, I hope I can spend it with you!" Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue tightly in his arms and said softly.

Mu Yue pursed her lips, put down the book in her hand, and sat up, "Jun Yan, you have to believe me, I can, I won't let you have anything to do!"

"I know!" Xiao Junyan nodded, he was just looking for an excuse, this girl, can you not say this!

"Knowing that you are still mentioning this to me, do you intentionally remind me of your dismissal of my engagement for this matter?" Mu Yue pouted dissatisfiedly, questioning Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan smiled helplessly, squeezed Mu Yue's cheek, and explained, "I just want to find a reason to be with you!"

"Puff!" Mu Yue couldn't help but smirked when he heard the words, holding Xiao Junyan's angry face in both hands, and asked curiously, "Senior Brother Xiao, when did you have so many twists and turns? "

"As long as I can be with you, I must have it!" Xiao Junyan let Mu Yue play with his face and said indulgently.

Mu Yue smiled, leaning in Xiao Junyan's arms, thinking for a while, nodding and saying, "Well, what you said is really good, this is indeed a good reason!"

"Then let's use this reason to talk to Grandpa, okay?" Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue expectantly. He hoped that he could be with her from now on.

If it weren't for Mu Yue to go to school, he would really want to be with her all the time, not wanting to be separated from her for half a second.

Originally, he believed that Mu Yue could help him get rid of the bullet in his brain, but Tang Yalan didn't want Xiao Junyan to leave the capital to go to Jiangnan Province.

This will not only prevent him from meeting Xiao Junyan often, but also Xiao Junyan from staying with Mu Yue often. This is a heartbreaking thing.

Therefore, Tang Yalan asked Xiao Junyan not to do anything this year, and when she was fine with Mu Yue, she would spend more time with her mother at home.

She just asked her to cook him a lunch, she was also willing and willing.

Elder Xiao also asked Xiao Junyan to temporarily lay down his work and spend more time with her elders. He didn't want white-haired people to send black-haired people.

Because he couldn't tell other people about Mu Yue's double eyes ability, Xiao Junyan could only comply with their request.

As long as Mu Yue goes to school, he will return to Xiao's house to accompany the old man and them.

Mu Yue tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "Well, okay! Go back to dinner today and cook a delicious meal for grandpa and dad. If you are short on staff, you will be softer!"

She also wanted to spend more time with Xiao Junyan.

"it is good!"

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