Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2651: Xiao Junyan's brother 3

Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue to the farm.

Although it is winter, there are many glass greenhouses on this farm. From the outside, there are still many green trees and dealers.

It was still snowing, and a group of old men stood outside the hotel excitedly, watching the vehicles coming towards them with excitement and expectation.

When the vehicle entered the farm, the gatekeeper had already notified it.

Upon hearing that Xiao Junyan was coming, these people all walked out from inside to greet Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan.

Some new faces were called by Xiao Junyan from abroad, and they came out to greet him, not Xiao Junyan, but Mu Yue.

They want to see that they can kill their cold face, and never let a woman get close to Xiao Junyan and be moved by her.

And now they have all become Mu Yue's employees.

Yes, because Xiao Junyan gave Mu Yue all the companies he owned, and those who worked in the company under Xiao Junyan's name became Mu Yue's subordinates.

Mu Yue looked at the young people in their 20s and 30s standing under the snow waiting for them, and she was moved.

Xiao Junyan did not let Mu Yue go down immediately, but he went down first, held up the umbrella and went to the co-pilot to open the door before letting her go down.

Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue and walked to the young people standing in rows, "Don't stand here, go in first!"

"Hullah!" A group of people followed Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue into the hotel.

"What are they doing? What should other people do!" Xiao Junyan closed the umbrella, looked at the large group of people behind him, frowned, and shouted in a somewhat dissatisfied tone.

Swept by Xiao Junyan's familiar indifferent eyes, the people on this farm originally shivered one after another, and then hurriedly went to do their own thing.

Only those brothers who had just returned from abroad were left, and only a dozen or twenty people were left, and these people looked at Xiao Junyan in a daze.

At this time, in their hearts they only felt that a few hundred horses ran past.

The gentle and careful Xiao Junyan just changed so fast, and his cold eyes made them shiver.

"Oh, my sister-in-law is really amazing!"

"Hehehe, I really didn't expect my sister-in-law to train the captain so well! Well, is it good?"

"It seems that the younger sister-in-law is the strongest, and even the boss can be so submissive!"

A group of people were thinking secretly in their hearts, looking at Mu Yue admiringly and admiringly, and there seemed to be little stars in their eyes.

Mu Yue felt the admiration of this group of people, and her subconscious body trembled slightly. It was too frightening, okay?

Xiao Junyan glanced at these guys with cold eyes, making the brothers tremble one by one.

"What kind of one each!" Xiao Junyan shouted coldly, "Stand at attention!"

The two words "stand at attention" were deeply engraved in their bones. A group of people stood up straight without squinting, their eyes were not on Mu Yue's body, and they did not dare to say a word.

Looking at the appearance of these guys, Mu Yue only thought they were very cute, she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughed pouting.

Xiao Junyan turned his head and glanced at Mu Yue who was smiling, took her hand, and said softly, "Go, go to the conference hall!"

Mu Yue nodded, and followed Xiao Junyan to the conference hall.

A group of brothers behind him secretly complained, their speed changed so fast that their brains really hardly turned around.

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