Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2670: Killing God Warming Male 3

Yin Yun heard Mu Yue's inquiry without any hesitation, and said, "It was just in our county's health center. At that time, the condition was not very serious. The doctor only dispenses some medicines and goes home. However, the disease did not heal. Instead, it became more and more serious. In the end, my parents had no choice but to take her to the hospital in the city, and then the doctor at the hospital told us that the little girl had uremia!!!"

Mu Yue nodded gently, thought for a while, and said, "Did you bring the medicine to Yin Lan from the county hospital? Or just a prescription for the medicine!"

"!" Yin Yun shook his head and said with some embarrassment.

Mu Yue sighed, "Little sister, when you went to the county hospital to see a doctor, did you have nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea?"

Yin Lan nodded weakly, "Yes!"

"Then the doctor in your county should have said about your condition, right?" Mu Yue asked Yin Lan again.

Yin Lan thought for a while, "I said it, but I don't know what it is called, and I didn't say it was uremia!"

Yin Yun, Ouyang Promise and others are not ordinary people, so they naturally heard what Mu Yue meant when they asked Yin Yun and Yin Lan.

In other words, is it related to the county hospital?

Moreover, Mu Yue only got her pulse and knew this, which is really amazing.

Could it be that their sister-in-law is really a genius doctor?

"Is it gastrointestinal inflammation?" Mu Yue asked Yin Lan with concern.

Everyone looked at Yin Lan curiously and expectantly. Sure enough, after seeing Yin Lan thinking for a while, he nodded, "Yes, yes, it's a gastrointestinal disease! Give me some medicine!"

Mu Yue nodded and said, "That's it. Some of the medicines he prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases were improperly treated, which led to uremia!"

Yin Yunyi looked at Mu Yue anxiously when she heard what her sister said, and asked, "Sister-in-law, what do you mean is that the doctor at the county hospital got my sister getting uremia?"

"Almost!" Mu Yue nodded, frowning and said, "Actually, the county hospital can't be blamed for this matter. The county hospital's diagnostic equipment is not as good as a large hospital, and it is easy to diagnose errors!"

Hearing Mu Yue's answer and explanation, Ouyang Promise and others, who originally showed an angry look, could only die.

Indeed, they all knew the situation at Yin Yun's house, and indeed they couldn't blame the doctor there.

But because of their wrong diagnosis, Yin Lan got such a disease, which made them very unwilling.

Ye Qianze stared at Mu Yue stubbornly, with some expectation in his tone, "Sister-in-law, you can tell the cause of Yin Lan, can you cure it?"

Hearing Ye Qianze's words, Ouyang Promise and the others also brightened up, looking at Mu Yue expectantly.

Yin Yun also heard Mu Yue's words, and also showed a look of expectation, calling Mu Yue with a trembling voice, "Little sister-in-law!"

Originally, Yin Yun came here only to obey Xiao Junyan's orders, without any hope at all.

It's just that now it's different. Only after taking the pulse, Mu Yue said things that he didn't even know. Shouldn't this mean that Mu Yue can cure his sister's illness?

Thinking of this, Yin Yun knelt directly in front of Mu Yue, "Little sister-in-law, please save my sister. If I didn't go home for so many years, she would take care of the family affairs alone, she would not I'm so tired! As long as my sister-in-law can cure my sister's disease, I will do anything you want me!"

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