Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2676: The Bullied Ouyang Promise 3

Not long after the Silver Needle was taken off, Yin Lan slowly opened his eyes, but the look in these eyes was more energetic than before.

Yin Yun leaped to the bed happily, and asked Yin Lan with concern, "Lan Lan, how do you feel?"

"So comfortable!" Yin Lan smiled, showing a bright smile, "Brother, I have never slept so peacefully!"

"It's good to be comfortable, and it's good to be comfortable, let my sister-in-law treat you later!" Yin Yun listened, nodded quickly, and said to Yin Lan.

Yin Lan nodded, "Well, my sister is very comfortable with the treatment, and it will be much more comfortable without the treatment in the hospital, brother, I don't want to go to the hospital anymore!"

"Okay, don't go to the hospital!" Yin Yun nodded, and gently touched Yin Lan's head, "Hungry?"

When Mu Yue heard Yin Yun's words, she raised her head from sorting out the silver needles, and said, "I have asked Jun Yan to prepare medicinal porridge for her. It should be almost done. Go and ask him!"

"Oh, okay, thank you Sister-in-law!" Yin Yun listened, nodded quickly, and said to Mu Yue gratefully.

Ouyang promised to call Yin Yun, "Don't eat your dinner? I kindly brought it in for you!"

"Wait later!" Yin Yun waved his hand and went to get his sister to eat porridge first.

Looking at Yin Yun's back, Ouyang Promise curled her lips, turned her head and smiled, looking at Mu Yue in admiration, "Sister-in-law, how do you treat you? How can you be so good? Who did you learn from your medical skills? Yes? Can you really treat uremia? Why can the doctors in foreign countries not cure it, but you can cure it?"

Mu Yue listened to Ouyang Promise like a mosquito, buzzing in her ears, feeling very depressed, just want to complain.

"Shut up!" Mu Yue turned his head dissatisfied, and glared at the noisy Ouyang Promise.

Ouyang promised to close his mouth, but his face was aggrieved, teary eyes dim.

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded by the appearance of Ouyang's promise. I really don't know where Xiao Junyan made this funny comparison, almost the same as Ye Tianming.

After quickly handling the silver needle, Mu Yue left the room.

"Sister-in-law, what else are you so fast! You haven't answered my question yet!" Ouyang promised to call Mu Yue behind him, as if he didn't want to let her go.

Mu Yue said angrily, "Noisy, I'm going to do my homework now, don't pester me anymore!"

"Oh, sister-in-law, don't dislike me like that, I just want to clarify the confusion, you just have to answer my question, you can do as many homework as you want, I will never pester you again!" Ouyang promised Wrongly said to Mu Yue.

Listening to the movement outside, Xiao Junyan frowned slightly, walked out of the kitchen, and saw Ouyang Proudly pestering Mu Yue, his expression was very cold, and he suddenly sipped, "Ouyang Promise, what are you doing?"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's scolding, he suddenly shrank his neck and turned his head to look at Xiao Junyan with a full face of grievance.

Xiao Junyan walked to Mu Yue's side and asked concerned, "Did he bully you?"

Hearing this, Ouyang Promise felt more aggrieved, and her tears were hazy, "Boss, how can you slander me like this! I didn't bully my sister-in-law, okay? If I want to bully, my sister-in-law is bullying me!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at Ouyang Promise coldly, but his eyes were so cold and disbelief.

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