Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2693: It's planted and blamed again 1

"Pop!" Hearing Wang Jing's words, the king's father immediately slapped the table angrily, "Okay, okay, those cynical second-generation ancestors, really know how to do things, they even do bribery things, and, Even the teacher has fallen!"

After all, she was her own daughter, and the royal father, who thought he knew his daughter very well, directly believed Wang Jing's words without even thinking about it.

The queen mother also had an angry expression on her face, and said angrily, "How can this be? Why hasn't such a thing happened before?"

Nothing like this happened before, why is it happening now?

Wang Jing had a guilty conscience, but she explained quickly, "Because she was studying for three days, fishing and two days of surfing the net. I don’t know which part of her monthly test was convulsed. She actually had to take the test, and the test was still fraudulent. The first place was taken away!"

Yes, in Wang Jing's heart, Mu Yue's brain was convulsed.

It has been a few months since I have been in school, and I haven't participated in a monthly exam, but this time I took the monthly exam, and I just took the first place.

"Naughty! Absurd!" The prince heard his chest burning with anger and swelling, as if he was about to explode.

My daughter's grades are true and real, but someone dared to cheat and **** their daughter's first place, which is unbearable.

"Didn't you tell your teacher?" The Queen Mother also asked Wang Jing angrily and worried.

Wang Jing shook her head aggrievedly, "I also said it, but the teacher did not admit it. After all, the teacher is also an accomplice. How could they admit that instead of letting me go on fighting again? After I found the teacher, I also found the principal. Let them give me an explanation!"

"Yes, look for the principal!" The queen mother nodded when she heard it, feeling that her daughter was doing the right thing. "What did the principal say?"

Upon hearing the Queen Mother’s words, Wang Jing lay on the table and cried again, "However, the principal didn’t explain to me at all. Instead, he threatened me, thinking that I did not believe in the teacher and the school and ruined them. The reputation of Wang Jing, I remembered a big mistake, and asked me to return to the school all the grants, tuition and scholarships I received in the past two years!" Wang Jing cried loudly again. Let's not go on!

When the king's father and queen mother heard this, they all seemed to be a bolt from the blue, and they were a little confused.

"What? Return your bursary, Xuefei, and scholarship to the school? How could this be possible! They are going to ruin our family!" Upon hearing this, the king's father became furious, and slapped his hands on the table angrily. .

The Queen Mother didn't even think about it, she believed Wang Jing's words, she only felt that their family was really wronged and died, "Killing a thousand knives, what kind of **** school is this, how can such a thing be done!"

"No, we absolutely can't repay the money. We have no money in our family. How can we repay the money? The school not only didn't give you justice but also gave you a record!" The Wang father gritted his teeth with anger, "I'm going to find your head teacher and the principal. I don't believe it, they dare to cover up brazenly!"

The queen mother also patted the table and stood up, "Yes, I can't just forget it, it is the school that should lose money, how can I pay it back to you, let us lose money!"

As soon as Wang Jing saw that her parents were going to the school to settle accounts, she suddenly screamed and yelled badly.

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