Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2926: Problem with water source 1

Looking at Xiao Junyan's behavior, Mu Yue couldn't help amusement in her heart, and turned her head to look at Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming smiled, stood up and said to everyone, “Don’t get excited, let me introduce to you. This is Dr. Mu Yuemu who helped my brother Pei Wei heal the disease. She heard that there are many in the village. People like Pei Wei also suffered from the same coal mine disease, so they came here to relieve the torture of those patients who were still in pain!"

Following Ye Tianming’s instructions, everyone focused their attention on Mu Yue. Ye Tianming pointed to Mu Yue, who was first ignored as air, and turned out to be the doctor who treated Pei Wei. Their eyes widened one after another, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Mu Yue's age is too much for them to believe this is true.

The strangers in the room are all young people. They would rather believe that Xiao Junyan, who looks more imposing, is the doctor who cured Pei Wei than that such a little girl like Mu Yue is a doctor.

Pei Wei also nodded, knowing that everyone's thoughts at this time are the same as his original thoughts. He didn't want to believe that Mu Yue's medical skills were superb, and said, "Yes, my disease was cured by Doctor Mu. I know, everyone. It is because she is too young to believe it, but Dr. Mu has been inherited from a family of Chinese medicine since she was a child, and her medical skills are now very superb!"

The old village chief still glanced in disbelief, then looked at Pei Wei and asked, "Awei, what are you saying is true? Is she really the doctor who cured your disease?"

Pei Wei nodded, knowing that the first to think well is the old village head, who is very prestigious in this village.

"Old village chief, what I said is true. Moreover, people come here to see and treat people for free, and they don’t even have to pay for the medicine. If it’s to lie to you, why bother? And, I also know our village. You know that even if you scam money, you can’t swindle much money, don’t you? What's more, people don’t need a penny to treat everyone!” Pei Wei deliberately increased the sound of the last sentence to prove that Mu Yue and the others are not a lie.

Moreover, Pei Wei could not directly tell the old village chief that Mu Yue and the others came here for two purposes. One was to follow his plea to treat people in the village.

The other most important reason is to come to the coal mine for criminal evidence. As long as their criminal evidence is found, the villagers here will be able to get the compensation they deserve.

There are so many people here and there are so many people, who knows if they will leak this matter out.

So, just in case, Pei Wei didn't say it.

The old village chief couldn't hear anything meaningful in Pei Wei's words, but he knew that Mu Yue and the others really didn't need money to treat them.

"Then...what about the money?" The old village chief still asked Pei Wei with some worry.

Pei Wei explained, "Old village chief, behind Dr. Mu, there is a company and a charity foundation she founded. This charity foundation is to help poor people like us. If we are short of money for medical treatment, the fund Will help us out, we don't have to deal with a penny!"

The old village chief nodded his head seemingly understanding, but the social development outside was too fast. He, the old village chief, didn't know anything about charitable foundations.

But I know the word "charity", and it should be a good thing to accumulate virtue.

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