Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2934: Start diagnosis and treatment 1

Mu Yue told the people in the village where he found the water source, so that they could get some water back first. Ye Tianming and Mu Yu were also arranged to carry water.

Originally, if Mu Yue puts water into the space, there will be as much water as he needs. However, this is equivalent to exposing the space. Xiao Junyan would never allow her to do this. He would rather let the villagers pick water by themselves. , And do not want to let them know about the space.

Mu Yue also knew the importance of space and didn't do it either.

Knowing that Mu Yue had found the water source, everyone went to fetch water one after another, and all the elders who were able to fetch water all took buckets to fetch water, and Ye Tianming and Mu Yu were no exception.

The relatives of those seriously ill patients first took their patients to see Mu Yue for treatment.

The old village chief looked at the villagers who went out to fetch water, then looked at Mu Yue and said, "Doctor Mu, we have counted the most serious patients yesterday. When do you plan to treat them? Do you want them to come over now?"

Mu Yue shook his head and smiled and said, "No, I'll go to their house later. Then the old village chief will send someone to accompany me!"

"How can this be done? You have to come to your home for Doctor Mu!" The old village chief said with embarrassment when he heard it.

"Since it is a severely ill patient, it is best not to move. I can go personally. Don't worry, the old village head, as long as I can cure them, I will definitely cure them!" Mu Yue smiled and comforted the old village head.

The old village chief was very moved when he heard it. He nodded his head heavily, his eyes were full of tears, "Well, thank you doctor, you are so kind, you will definitely be blessed by the Bodhisattva and bless your life!"

Mu Yue smiled slightly, and said inwardly, if the Bodhisattva wants to bless, also bless Jun Yan, so that he can survive this catastrophe safely.

As long as Xiao Junyan can survive this catastrophe, she will definitely use her medical skills to treat more people, and use the money she earns to help more people in need!

The money she makes is almost all the money of the rich, not ignorant of the conscience, but due. Using this money to help people is to accumulate virtue.

As a direct disciple of the mysterious doctor, Mu Yue has a scale in her heart, as well as her way of heaven.

Since knowing about Xiao Junyan's catastrophe, she hoped that she could help Xiao Junyan through the accumulation of virtue, no matter whether she succeeded or not, she would do it.

Therefore, this time, she did not hesitate to agree, just to be able to accumulate virtue for Xiao Junyan.

After Mu Yue finished his breakfast, he went to the patient's home under the leadership of the old village head.

Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming did not accompany Mu Yue, nor did they pick water anymore, instead they were going to the mine to investigate matters.

"Yue's safety is up to you!" Before leaving, Xiao Junyan said to Mu Yu's orders.

Mu Yu came here to ensure Mu Yue's safety, and nodded, "I won't let her have trouble!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded in relief, and left with Ye Tianming.

Because everyone was busy carrying water or waiting for Mu Yue's treatment at home, they didn't notice the disappearance of Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming.

Mu Yu originally wanted to accompany Mu Yue, but was rejected by Mu Yue and asked him to help pick water from the seriously ill house.

Although she didn't want to listen to Mu Yue, in the end she could only agree to find water.

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