Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2950: Pick up a rock and hit one's own foot 4 (plus more 1)

When Hua Fengjun heard the news, he didn't come up in a sigh of anger, so he fainted and was sent to the hospital.

The doctor at the hospital checked her and said that she had high blood pressure. The news was too irritating to let her breathe, so she didn't take it, and she fainted.

Everyone laughed at the news that Hua Fengjun was so angry that he fainted and was hospitalized.

"Hahaha, what is this called, this is called self-inflicted crime!"

"Yes, I originally thought that it was because Mu Wuye had other women he likes to break his engagement with Hua Fengjun. I didn't expect that there was such a twist!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, as expected, they are all from the Chinese family. It's not the trick that a family doesn't enter the house but uses medicine and cooks mature rice with raw rice!"

"It's also said that Nangong Yuehua is the third party to intervene. I think it is clear that he is not observing women's ways and put gold on his face!"

Jun Hua Feng didn't obey women's way, and he had long been involved with Gan Hailiang.

However, Mu Haixuan happened to meet Nangong Yuehua, she just found herself a step down, and regarded herself as a suffering lord, making people feel that Mu Haixuan was sorry for her Huafengjun.

It makes people feel that Nangong Yuehua is the third person inserted into Mu Haixuan and Hua Fengjun, making everyone misunderstand Nangong Yuehua.

It took more than twenty years for everyone to realize that everyone had misunderstood it. It was because Hua Fengjun had done too much that he would end up like that.

In an instant, everyone felt sympathy for Gan Hailiang. It turned out that he was also the one designed!

Although they felt that Jun Hua Feng had temporarily found one, two people, and the two families were together for profit.

Unexpectedly, Gan Hailiang and Xiao Kexin were both the same, they were calculated.

It's just that this big man has been calculated, it's really shameful to be fucked.

Gan Hailiang was sympathized, but Jun Hua Feng was scolded by everyone, especially those women, who thought it was really embarrassing to do that kind of thing.

Within two days, the people accused by the thousand husbands became Chinese.

Originally, he wanted to force Mr. Xiao to participate in the wedding of Hu Shijie and Xiao Kexin for Mu Yue's reputation.

But the current situation completely caught the Hua family by surprise.

"Damn it! The Gan family, the **** Gan family. Anyway, Gan Hailiang and his aunt also had a marriage. How could they do such a thing!" Hua Shijie was really angry and smashed the quilt in his hand. On the ground, cursing.

Hua Shijie treats the Hua family as if he is killing his father and enemy. This feeling is definitely the pain of being stabbed in the back.

Father Hua leaned on the sofa and closed his old eyes. This is really a misstep and an eternal hatred!

"That's the end of the matter, it's too late to regret!"

The good plan was broken so quickly, the Mu family hadn't even stood up to speak, and Grandpa Xiao didn't say a word. They were already defeated.

He did not expect that at this moment, the Gan family would betray them, and they fabricated facts, slandered their Chinese family, and made their Chinese family's reputation fall again.

The fact that the two people of the Hua family used raw rice to cook mature rice came out. From now on, the character of the Hua family has made everyone suspicious.

Who is willing to cooperate with their Chinese family in the future!

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