Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2957: The same is closed door 2

Both Xiao Kexin and Hua Shijie were at odds with each other. They both had to fight in the room, but when they went outside, it was like a real unmarried couple.

Carrying some gifts and fruits in his hand, Hua Shijie came outside the Xiao family compound, but the guard standing at the door stopped them and prevented them from entering.

Xiao Kexin saw that these guards had stopped herself, her face suddenly sank, and she said in dissatisfaction, "What are you doing, don't you let me in?"

The guard said with a look of business affairs, "Miss Xiao, Elder Xiao said, you are no longer his granddaughter, and you cannot enter without his permission in the future!"

Xiao Kexin's body was trembling with rage, her face flushed as she listened to the guard's words.

She did not expect that the guard had already excluded her from the Xiao family.

When Hua Shijie heard the guard's words, his face also changed, but compared to Xiao Kexin, he still had to be calmer.

Holding down Xiao Kexin who was going to be mad, Hua Shijie showed a smile on his face and said to the guard, "Big brother, Xiao Kexin also has Father Xiao's blood on him. You can't kill him with a stick, don't you? Interrupt? The bones are still connected to the tendons! Do you go down and ask Elder Xiao if you want to see Kexin!"

The guard frowned when he heard Hua Shijie's words, thinking about it. Although Elder Xiao said that he didn't want to see Xiao Kexin, everyone felt that it was Elder Xiao who was angry, and he might lose his anger after a while.

Therefore, the guard nodded and said, "Okay, please wait a moment, I'll go and ask!"

When he got the guard, Hua Shijie smiled and nodded, acting very gentlemanly and politely, "Okay! Trouble!"

The guards were not surprised by Hu Shijie’s attitude. No matter who came to Mr. Xiao, no matter how arrogant and domineering outside, he would have to become so polite and trembling. Therefore, he has already taken offense. strange.

Seeing the guards enter, Xiao Kexin glared at Hua Shijie next to her with anger, "Why are you talking to this doorman so politely!"

Not only Hu Shijie heard what Xiao Kexin said, but also the guard on the other side.

The guard turned his head and glanced at Xiao Kexin. There was a burst of sarcasm in his heart, and even more contempt. It's no wonder that Mr. Xiao is reluctant to admit such a granddaughter!

Listen to this tone, this attitude, if they were her grandfather, they would have to kick him out of the house.

What is like Madam Sun Shao, the comparison between the two is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

Sometimes Mu Yue came over, especially during the Chinese New Year, and gave them some new year goods to reward them who stood guard.

These guards liked Mu Yue very much. They only felt that the eyes of Old Man Xiao and Xiao Junyan were good, and they seemed to want such a good wife.

Hua Shijie glanced at the other guard, although his expression did not change, but he also saw him look at them, knowing that he must be thinking about Xiao Kexin in his heart.

"Shut up, they are all guards to protect your grandfather, not a gatekeeper!" Hua Shijie still taught Xiao Kexin righteously.

Xiao Kexin's face was full of dissatisfaction and anger, and she wanted to refute, but Hua Shijie stared back at her with a staring look.

But even so, Xiao Kexin secretly swears in her heart that when she returns home, she will replace all these guards.

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