Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2971: The Hua Family Suddenly Realized 3

Hua Shijie raised his head and looked at Hua Yuanzhi, his voice trembling, and said, "Dad, Mu Yue may have gone to Pingcheng, Jizhou Province!"

"What?" Hearing what Hua Shijie said, both Father Hua and Hua Yuanzhi both showed shocked expressions on their faces, and then they couldn't believe it.

Father Hua put down his chopsticks and asked, "Shijie, what is going on?"

"The call just now!" Hua Shijie took a deep breath, calmed down his current emotions, and re-said the matter of Lu Feng calling him just now.

Although Lu Feng didn't say it was Mu Yue, he thought it was, and even Mr. Hua and Hua Yuanzhi did the same. When he heard that one of the women was able to fly over the wall, his first thought was Mu Yue.

"Pop!" Old man Hua slapped the table fiercely, and said three words, "It's in the game!"

Hua Yuanzhi suddenly turned his head, looked at Father Hua, and asked, "Dad, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Master Hua was also full of pain and decadence, and he sighed deeply, "Ha ha ha, it's no wonder that our Hua family will be defeated by his Mu family, not injustice! This time, there has been no Mu Yue. The figure appeared, but it was in the hands of the Mu family. We thought that she was only holding Elder Xiao’s side, but we didn’t expect that she had already ran to Pingcheng! I’m afraid Elder Xiao already knew about it! So, Everything Elder Xiao is doing now is to cooperate with Mu Yue and set up obstacles for our Chinese family so that we don't have the energy to manage things in Pingcheng!"

As the news of Mu Yue's appearance in Pingcheng reached the ears of Mr. Hua, who had been in the political arena for a long time, how could Mr. Hua not understand what happened?

Someone had calculated Mu Yue before, but she didn't expect that she didn't go to school, not to work with the company, but to Pingcheng, Jizhou Province, to investigate their Hua family.

When Hua Yuanzhi heard what Old Man Hua said, he suddenly realized, "But... how do they know what happened to us in Pingcheng?"

It's just that Hua Yuanzhi didn't understand why Mu Yue and the others knew about this, or they knew which coal mine belonged to their Hua family.

"Hehe, I think, Hua Qimin, who betrayed her second child in the first place, not only gave Mu Yue the evidence of her second child, but also other secrets of our Hua family!" Father Hua suddenly sneered and understood. What Hua Qimin gave to Mu Yue was not only Hua Yuanda’s criminal evidence, but also some other secrets of their Hua family.

Although Hua Qimin did not have the blood of the Hua family, he was guarded against him, but he still knew something about Pingcheng, and he would definitely take the news to deal with Mu Yue.

Also, if it were him, he would not only need Hua Qimin’s little evidence. The situation at that time did not have the capital for Hua Qimin to talk about things, but if he gave Mu Yue all the things of the Hua family, then he would be qualified to let him Mu Yue only targeted Hua Yuanda, not Hua Qimin.

Moreover, this matter did not take long before Mu Yue and the others went to Pingcheng. They either waited for them to put down their guard, or sent someone to investigate, and then Mu Yue and the others went personally.

I haven't seen Xiao Junyan for some time recently. He must have accompanied him. He has gone. Does Mr. Xiao know?

Thinking that I was actually played by a little girl in a movie, my heart was stuck in my chest, and I couldn't vomit it out.

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