Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2974: The Despised Young Master Xiao 2

Mu Yue, who had been leaning in Xiao Junyan's arms, kept her ears up since the call was made. Hearing the conversation between Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao Junyan and his grandson, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, only to find it funny.

She knew that with Xiao Junyan's character, as long as he didn't talk to her, even if he talked to Old Man Xiao, he would only say one result. As expected, it really is.

And this kind of character and behavior made Elder Xiao very dissatisfied, and even more disliked his grandson. It was too unpleasant!

"No time!" Xiao Junyan said lightly.

When the old man on the other side of the phone heard the words, he was so angry that he would throw the tea cup he was holding to the ground, and cursed, "Fuck you, let the girl listen to the phone. I really don't like you more and more. That's a **** kid, go as you go, get in the way!"

Mu Yue could not hold back his laughter when he heard the yelling curses of Old Man Xiao's disgust, and quickly took the phone from Xiao Junyan's hand, "Hey, grandpa!"

After hearing Mu Yue's soft voice, the anger in Old Man Xiao's heart also disappeared a lot, "Girl, why did you let this stinky guy call me? You know I'm angry with my old man!"

Mu Yue squeezed a smile and said jokingly, "I'm not thinking that you and Jun Yan have not seen each other for so long. You must miss him. That's why I asked Jun Yan to call you, but I didn't expect , I was disgusted by you!"

"I hate him!" Old man Xiao grunted his nose like a child, and said dissatisfiedly, "Talking to me is like giving an order. I'm so angry!"

Mu Yue also laughed, and said, "This is not Jun Yan's character, he is like this in the first place! You should have been used to it a long time ago!"

"Huh!" Old man Xiao snorted coldly, "If I hadn't met you, it would have been as cold as a piece of ice, and I would have to wear one more piece of clothing in winter!"

Hearing this, Mu Yue couldn't help but snorted, "Puff!" Suddenly he felt that Old Man Xiao was quite cute.

"Grandpa, you haven't slept yet?" Mu Yue asked with a caring smile.

Elder Xiao sighed and said with emotion, "When people are old, they can't fall asleep, and they will fall asleep in a while!"

"Grandpa, although your body is very healthy, you still need a lot of rest!" Mu Yue said to Grandpa Xiao with concern.

Old man Xiao laughed a lot, and said jokingly, "Yes! I know, even if you are sick, there is still your little genius doctor!"

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded, but before she could speak, Xiao Junyan snatched her mobile phone and said, "Now the hot water is ready, let's take a bath!"

Seeing his empty hand with no cell phone, he smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

Elder Xiao, who was on the other side of the phone, still had very good ears. After hearing Xiao Junyan's words, he yelled and cursed, "Smelly boy, what are you doing!"

"Yue wants to take a bath and sleep. Grandpa, you can also sleep. I'm dead!" Xiao Junyan said lightly.

Elder Xiao suddenly cursed with anger, "Asshole boy, dare you..."

However, the voice fell off, and Xiao Junyan had already hung up the phone, and there was a busy beep in the phone.

"Bastard boy, **** boy! It's so unconscionable, and it's getting less and less pleasing!" Old man Xiao was furious by Xiao Junyan's behavior, and he kept yelling and cursing.

Standing at the door of the bathroom, Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan's behavior and raised her hand helplessly to support her forehead.

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