Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3006: Father Hua fell down 3

"Damn, it's true!"

"I also heard that before Xiao Kexin was hospitalized, I went to Old Man Xiao's side, and I really didn't see Old Man!"

"Hehehe, I think it's true!"

"The old man doesn't admit it. Hua Shijie is angry, so naturally he is looking for discouragement. Xiao Kexin is the object of discouragement. Alas, what a poor child!"

"I didn't expect the Hua family to be such a person!"

"Cut, I knew it a long time ago. Back then, Mr. Hua Feng was able to drug a man and cook mature rice with raw rice. Now it is Hua Shijie. Even if Xiao Kexin had a miscarriage, I firmly believe that!"

"In contrast, Mu's family is better!"

"That's right, especially the girl from Mu's family. It's really good. Our family used to have some small frictions with Mr. Mu, and the relationship was not very good. However, my man was seriously ill. I still went to invite Mu Yue. I didn't expect her. I came here without saying a word, and cured the old man’s illness. Now my old man is in great health, and he just wanders outside every day!"

"This is the gap, the Hua family has such an end, it deserves it!"

The people living around the Hua family compound are all of the same status, and everyone is discussing with each other, either to belittle the Hua family, or to exalt the Mu family and Mu Yue.

Fortunately, Hua Yuanzhi's attention was focused on both Father Hua and Feng Jiahui at this time, and there was no time to listen to what they were saying.

Otherwise, if you hear them, you will probably vomit a mouthful of old blood.

Facing Feng Jiahui who was crazy, Hua Yuanzhi quickly called the guards to control her and not let her stop the doctor's footsteps.

The doctors didn't dare to take a step further, they still sent Mr. Hua to the ambulance first, Hua Yuanzhi also hurriedly jumped into the ambulance, leaving the guards to stop Feng Jiahui.

Feng Jiahui watched the ambulance drive away, her heart was extremely angry, and she cursed, "Hua Yuanzhi, don't think you can run away. I won't let you go. I will make your Hua family pay the price!" You make Kexin unable to get pregnant in the future, and I will let your Hua family wean off children!"

Hua Yuanzhi was gone. Feng Jiahui looked at the guards who had stopped him and threatened them with anger and viciousness, "Let go, do you know who I am? Let go of me quickly!"

The guard's job was to stop her. Seeing Hua Yuanzhi had left, he let Feng Jiahui go, and didn't dare to offend her.

Feng Jiahui straightened her messy hair, turned her head and looked at the courtyard of the Hua family, spit on the ground, got into her car, and drove away.

What happened in the Hua family compound soon spread from the mouths of the upper-class people in the capital.

As for the spread of this capital, Hua Yuanzhi didn't take care of it. He was waiting at the door of the emergency room of the hospital for Father Hua's situation!

Coincidentally, the hospital to which Mr. Hua was sent, like Mu Yue and the others, was the Beijing General Hospital.

It's just that because the emergency room and the ward where Mu Yue lives are not together, they haven't touched them together.

While waiting for Mr. Hua to give first aid, Jun Hua Feng also heard the news and hurried over from the outside, "Big Brother, how is Dad?"

Although he didn't live with Mr. Hua, he even had a fight last time, but Mr. Hua Fengjun came to see Mr. Hua.

Hua Yuanzhi shook his head and said with a sigh, "I don't know yet, the doctor is still trying to rescue him!"

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