Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3011: Enemy meets extra jealous 4

"Hua Fengjun, and thought I didn't hit a woman, and if you dare to hurt my niece, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!" Mu Haiye gritted his teeth and glared viciously at Hua Fengjun who fell on the ground, threatening her.

Jun Hua Feng held his face and turned his head to look at Mu Haiye. He only felt that his face was burning with pain. The eyes of Mu Haiye and Mu Yue were full of hatred and anger.

Mu Haiye looked up at Hua Yuanzhi mockingly, "Hua Yuanzhi, you should hurry up and take your crazy sister away, lest you hurt people here, we don’t mind moving a little bit for self-defense. hand!"

" dare!" Jun Hua Feng pointed at Mu Haiye with anger, threatening viciously.

"Why didn't you dare? Didn't I just slap you in the face?" Mu Haiye sneered, raised his palm and waved, then raised his foot, threatening Jun Huafeng, "Could it be you Do you want me to kick you?"

Seeing Mu Haiye's raised feet, Hua Fengjun's body trembled, and he was so frightened that he backed back with his hands on the ground.

Looking at Hua Fengjun's appearance, Mu Haiye sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm and disdain.

Hua Yuanzhi also felt that Mr. Hua Feng had lost the face of their Hua family today.

He doesn't want to stay here now, lest staying here is suffering, and he doesn't know if they will do anything to Mr. Hua.

"Isn't it embarrassing enough to stay there? Let's transfer to the ward!" Hua Yuanzhi grabbed Hua Fengjun's arm in front of the mountain and lifted him from the ground.

When Hua Fengjun heard what Hua Yuanzhi said, he only felt that he was ashamed today, and his face was hot in front of the **** wild species he despised the most.

When Mu Yue heard Hua Yuanzhi's words, he chuckled and reminded him, "Don't report too much hope, this is not my curse, Father Hua's body is no longer good! Let's prepare for the funeral!"

When Hua Yuanzhi and Hua Fengjun heard Mu Yue's words, they couldn't help but chuckle.

How can they not know the situation of Mr. Hua? The emergency doctor said just now that he just tried his best, and whether he can wake up is a problem.

It's just that they won't just give up like this, and they won't let Mr. Hua die like this. The death of Mr. Hua means that there is really no hope for their Hua family.

They also knew Mu Yue's prophecy, but they didn't want to believe it, but instead felt that she was cursing.

Hua Yuanzhi glared at Mu Yue angrily, "Mu Yue, don't talk nonsense, you curse the country, lead, guide, and die so you can be fine!"

Mu Yue curled her lips and said mockingly, "This is not the first time I have said this sentence. Don't you know? Moreover, what I said is the truth. I am a doctor. It is very important to judge the life and death of a patient. Is it normal?"

She had said it before returning to Mu's house, not to mention that she was now back to Mu's house.

Moreover, the other party was the Hua family, and she was very willing to curse.

"You..." Hua Yuanzhi was speechless, so he could only wave his hand fiercely, glared at Mu Yue fiercely, and turned to those who commanded, "Let's go to the ward!"

These doctors don’t have the power of the Hua family, and when they heard Hua Yuanzhi’s words, they didn’t dare to refuse. The original change of ward was not a big deal. They were all casual patients, so they took Mr. Hua and left the floor. , Went to another floor.

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