Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3079: Husband and wife discharged from hospital 2

"No, go back to Mu's house!"

"Go to Xiao's house!"

Elder Xiao and Elder Mu started arguing again.

Mu Yue listened to the argument between the two elders, a little helpless, not knowing what to say.

Xiao Junyan said, "Don't go, go back to our home!"

The two of them have their own homes, and there is no need to go to other people's homes.

Yes, these people wanted to **** Mu Yue with him. In his heart, they belonged to other people. Those homes were other people's homes, not the homes of the two of them.

When everyone heard Xiao Junyan opening his mouth, they all turned their heads and looked at him.

After a pause, Mu Haixuan was the first to object, "No, you are a big man, how do you know how to take care of a girl, and Xiaoyue has to go to the bathroom, how do you take care of it?"

"That's not it!" The others also recovered from their shock, and they all opposed.

Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue tightly into his arms and said, "Yue is my wife, I will take care of it, I don't need you!"

"Hmph, your wife, you haven't officially married yet, and Xiao Yue'er is still in school!" Elder Mu coldly snorted and said angrily.

Mu Haixuan pointed to Mu Yue's nose and screamed, "And you kid, you did a good job that made Xiao Yueer pregnant with your child, and you almost couldn't even go to school. Are you embarrassed to say? I know if you kidnap Xiao Yue'er home, will you hurt her!"

Thinking of hearing that Mu Yue was pregnant before, Mu Haixuan's whole head was dumbfounded.

The speed of this Xiao Junyan was also fast, and he made Mu Yue pregnant with the child so soon. As I said before, he would not let Mu Yue pregnant with the child so quickly, but he did not keep his promise.

Xiao Junyan's lips were pressed into a knife. This is really hard to say. He has no feelings for other women, but he just can't control himself for Mu Yue.

"My family, don't be angry. Jun Yan did something wrong. But, didn't Jun Yan have that uncertain factor before, the life and death disaster? Jun Yan actually wanted to give Mu Yue the motivation to live, the same as I did before. If it weren't for these two children, I would have died long ago!" Tang Yalan comforted Mu Haixuan and said.

In fact, what Tang Yalan said, is it true that Mu Haixuan is not?

As soon as the memory was restored, Mu Haixuan thought about death and went down to accompany Nangong Yuehua, but the person who happened to be treating him was Mu Yue, who immediately recognized her.

If it weren't for Mu Yue, perhaps, he would have already died.

But, knowing that Gui knew, Mu Haixuan just felt that Xiao Junyan did not do the right thing to make his daughter pregnant so early.

"But, no matter what, I still don't agree that Xiao Yueer let him take care of it!" Mu Haixuan didn't say much, but expressed his intention.

Mu Yue sighed helplessly, and said to the people of the Mu family and the Xiao family, "I think, where to go, I should ask my opinion, after all, this is my business!"

Mu Haixuan nodded and asked, "Yes, Xiao Yueer, where are you going? It's up to you!"

"Yes, yes, I'll listen to you! Little Yue'er will do whatever he says!" Elder Mu also nodded and asked Mu Yue.

Elder Xiao didn't hold back anymore, and said, "You have the final say!"

Mu Yue shook Xiao Junyan's hand, "Since I am already Jun Yan's wife, I am naturally with him. I want to be with Jun Yan. I don't care if I can see it. Moreover, the master has also found a way to treat him. Good my eyes, and soon my eyes will regain light!"

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