Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3097: Killer in the night 1

The orphanage has been approved by Mu Yue, and Qin Shaoyang said with a smile, "One more thing, the shopping mall next to the Linshi Medicinal Restaurant in Jiangnan Province has been successfully constructed, and the decoration inside has been completed one after another. It will be more than half a month. It's ready for business! The third phase of the Linshi Dream Cosmetics Factory is also about to be completed!"

Although some things about Mu Yue made the employees in Longteng Company feel unstable at work, all the work was completed on schedule.

"Really? So fast!" When Mu Yue heard Qin Shaoyang's report, his face showed a bright smile, "Time flies so fast, the mall over there is about to open soon, I really want to see it. Look!"

Originally, Mu Yue wanted to see it, but now that she is in this situation, she still doesn't know if she can regain her light at that time.

"There will be a chance!" Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue into his arms, gently comforting.

He could hear the regret in Mu Yue's tone because she couldn't see it with her eyes, and she felt even more guilty and self-blaming in her heart.

Mu Yue nodded, heard the guilt in Xiao Junyan's tone, smiled and said relaxedly, "I just sighed, even if my eyes are good, I don't have time. The college entrance examination is about to come!"

"Mu Dong, with your ability, you don't need to take the college entrance examination at all, you can directly enter the university! And you can also be a professor!" Qin Shaoyang joked with a smile.

Mu Yue chuckled and said, "I just like to go in for exams. This is the back door. The master also said to me that I will learn more when I live and learn more in school. Mind tempering has a very good effect!"

Therefore, Dongfang Sheng also agrees that Mu Yue wants to take the exam and continue to study at university.

Ye Qianze laughed and said jokingly, "Sister-in-law, you are making us people feel shameless. You are already powerful enough. If you continue to be more powerful, it is estimated that the boss will be crushed by you!"

Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and looked in the direction of Ye Qianze, "Do you think I can't hold your boss right now?"

Ye Qianze was taken aback, and quickly covered his mouth, with a sneer on his face, "Hehehe, I'm just kidding, kidding, sister-in-law, boss, don't take it seriously!"

Xiao Junyan snorted coldly and gave Ye Qianze a threatening look.

Although Mu Yue didn't see Xiao Junyan's eyes, she could imagine from Ye Qianze's weak words, she couldn't help but laugh.

To prevent Ye Qianze from being bullied again, Mu Yue changed the subject and asked, "By the way, when can the orphanage be built? When can the children come to the capital?"

"It's just a semi-finished product now, but the rest, as long as we work overtime, can be completed in half a month!" Qin Shaoyang explained with a smile.

Mu Yue nodded, "That's very fast, then as soon as possible. Then I will ask someone to pick up the orphans from Jizhou Province. By the way, I will also ask the Beijing Grand Hospital to check them. At that time, my eyes will recover. I will check them out myself!"

"Okay!" Qin Shaoyang nodded, taking notes in his heart.

Mu Yue begged, "My eyes haven't recovered yet, so you have to bother you a lot during this time!"

"This is what we should!" Qin Shaoyang and Ye Qianze looked at each other and said with a smile.

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