Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3099: Killer in the night 3

Although Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan were both lying on the bed, they didn't fall asleep, and their whole bodies were on alert.

He couldn't leave Mu Yue. Without Mu Yue, he would have already rushed to kill the ambushing assassin.

With Xiao Junyan's abilities, he could feel that there were several killers, where they were all separately, and it was more clear that he could rush out and actively kill them.

Although these assassins are already very powerful for others, for Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue, they can still feel the murderous and **** aura in them.

Although Mu Yue couldn't see it, she could still feel the place where the murderous aura appeared. Waiting for them to appear, she also prepared a dagger in one hand.

Although the curtains in the room were all drawn, Xiao Junyan could still vaguely see through the shadows on the curtains, one by one, falling from the roof and onto the balcony.

Seeing the figures falling from the balcony, and listening to the subtle footsteps going upstairs, Xiao Junyan manually moved under the quilt.

The killer on the balcony directly cut the glass window and door, made a small sound, cut a small piece of glass, drilled through the hole, and opened the window door.

The killers who came down one after another stayed on the balcony, glanced at each other, made a few gestures, and arranged the actions after waiting for them to enter.

On the other side, those who walked up to the second floor and came to the door of Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan's bedroom, and a killer used a wire to pry open the door lock.

A group of killers on the balcony and outside the bedroom set the time, opened the door and the glass window at the same time, and rushed into the room.

The assassins who rushed in all had sabers shining with the cold light in their hands, and rushed towards Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan on the bed.

However, no one knew that when they were about to shoot, both Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue jumped up from the bed at the same time.

Xiao Junyan threw the quilt covering them at the assassin who rushed in through the door, and on the other side, with a wave of his hand, he waved a small knife that was shining coldly.

These small knives thrown out by Xiao Junyan were all scalpels that Mu Yue put in the space. They were originally used to save people, but they did not expect to become murderous knives today.

The assassins did not expect that their actions would be noticed by Xiao Junyan and the others so quickly, and they counterattacked.

The counterattack was quick, and it caught them off guard.

With good skills, he avoided the scalpels that Xiao Junyan shot at them, while those with bad skills had a knife in his arm, and the pistol they held in their hands fell directly to the ground, some of them did not fall. When it came to the ground, his hands were also drooped.

And the three killers who rushed in from the door of the room on the other side, the quilt thrown by Xiao Junyan, covered their heads, were immediately disrupted, and the three killers were trapped in a ball.

The assassins who had rushed in behind them saw that their companions running in front of them were actually covered by quilts.

Because Xiao Junyan and the others already knew about them, the timing could not be missed, and they did not rescue them. Instead, they leaped over behind them, brandishing their sabers that were shining coldly in their hands, and attacked Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan on the bed. Away.

There are also two killers who are good at using hidden weapons, waving a few cross nails.

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